2002 November 16 CLS PROJECT STATUS M.S. de Jong Project Leader November 16, 2002 Annual Users’ Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

2002 November 16 CLS PROJECT STATUS M.S. de Jong Project Leader November 16, 2002 Annual Users’ Meeting

2002 November 16 E-gun & Linac Transfer Line & Booster ring Storage ring Beamline & End Station Synchrotron Facility

2002 November 16 Sector (1 of 12) Beamlines on a single CLS sector –Two bending magnet lines –One or more ID lines Use of chicanes to get 2 undulator lines per straight Needed to meet demand for insertion device beamlines

2002 November 16 Injector Status Linac and transfer line to Booster –Modifications for 1 Hz operation complete –Continuing to improve control system and diagnotics Booster (“Turn-key” system from Danfysik) –Commissioning of technical systems started in June and were completed in August (more detail in Les Dallin’s talk) –Formal acceptance of Booster completed by mid-September –Booster now shut down until needed for Storage ring commissioning

2002 November 16 Storage Ring Status - 1 Major Sub-systems: –Dipole magnets (Tesla) - delivered –Quadrupole and Sextupole magnets (Sigma-Phi) – first set delivered, rest by year-end 2002 –Corrector magnets (Budker Institute) – delivered by year-end 2002 –Kicker magnets (Danfysik) – delivered by mid-February 2003 –DC Power supplies (IE Power) – 50% delivered, remained by year-end 2002 –RF amplifier (Thales) – commissioning at CLS –LHe plant (Linde) – operating at CLS –RF cavity (ACCEL) – delivery by year-end –Vacuum chambers (FMB) – 8 sectors delivered, remainder by year-end –Supports and girders (Saskatoon) - delivered

2002 November 16 Storage Ring Status - 2 Installation –Water cooling and support pillar installation started in November –Install one sector by mid-December 2002 –Install remaining sectors by end of February 2003 –Commissioning of sub-systems will be done in parallel, so far as possible –Target: first injected beam in March 2003 Commissioning –Beam tests in evenings and week-ends –Main building must be evacuated until commissioning radiation surveys confirm design radiation levels –3-week on / 3-week off schedule likely –Target: light for first beamlines by mid-summer 2003

2002 November 16 IT Infrastructure Phase I of IT infrastructure complete –Dual Cisco 6509 switches (1Gb →10Gb) –Voice-over-IP telephones –Redundant multi-mode and single-mode fibre network throughout facility –Direct fibre connection available for each beamline –Virtual LANs for office, controls, users, beamlines, etc. Phase II implementation started: –1-3 Terabyte Storage Area Network –Improved user connectivity to external Internet and CA4.net –Possible upgrading of local computational resources

2002 November 16 Beamlines: IR High-resolution Far-IR Spectroscopy –Quotations received on spectrometer –RFPs for design-build of UHV and HV portions of optical system out by mid-December –Hutch construction started –~13% of budget committed by 2002 Oct 31 –Start commissioning: ~ September, 2003 Mid-IR Microscopy –Quotations due on spectrometer –RFPs for design-build of UHV and HV portions of optical system out by mid-December –Hutch construction started –~25% of budget committed by 2002 Oct 31 –Start commissioning: ~ October, 2003

2002 November 16 Beamlines: PGM & SGM VLS Plane Grating Monochromator –All major components ordered –Delivery of most components by 2003 June, except for Fixed-aperture High-Heat-Load most (2003 October) –185mm PPM undulator ready by 2003 June –ID vacuum chambers (APS) to be delivered in 2003 July –~70% of budget committed by 2002 October 31 High-resolution Spherical Grating Monochromator –Same as above for most components –Shipment of existing SGM components from Madison at the end of summer 2003 –45 mm PPM undulator ready by mid-summer 2003 –~80% of budget committed by 2002 October 31

2002 November 16 Beamline: Spectromicroscopy Soft X-ray Spectromicroscopy –Mirrors, gratings and monochromator ordered –Mirror manipulator tenders under evaluation –Started design specification of microscopy end-station –ID vacuum chambers (APS) to be delivered in 2003 July –All beamline components, including EPU (Elliptically Polarized Undulator), should be available by 2003 fall –ID straight designed to accommodate a second chicaned EPU –~40% of budget committed by 2002 October 31

2002 November 16 Beamline: CMCF-I Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility –Mirrors and beamline components ordered, with delivery scheduled for 2003 September –Work continues on white beam transport line and endstation specifications –Started work on specification of control and IT requirements –Magnets ordered for Small-gap Undulator (SGU), work continues on specification of vacuum chamber –Beamline completion planned by 2003 Fall, but SGU might not be ready until early 2004 –~40% of budget committed by 2002 October 31

2002 November 16 Beamline: Micro-XAFS Hard X-ray XAFS / Micro-probe –Micro-probe capability (~2 μm resolution) and some powder diffraction capability added to design –Uses 31 mm multi-pole superconducting wiggler –Preliminary Design Report under review now –RFP for beamline and wiggler design-build expected to be issued by year end –Some risk that delivery completion will not be possible before early 2004 –~7% of budget committed by 2002 October 31

2002 November 16 SUMMARY Injection System Operational Storage Ring installation has started First injected beam in early spring 2003 First light for beamlines in mid-summer 2003 Five beamlines ready for light by fall 2003 –Two IR lines –Three soft X-ray lines CMCF line ready by fall 2003, except for ID may be delayed until early 2004 Micro-XAFS line ready in early 2004