© GEO Secretariat Capacity Building Committee experience of resource mobilisation Alan EDWARDS EUROPEAN COMMISSION Research Directorate General Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

© GEO Secretariat Capacity Building Committee experience of resource mobilisation Alan EDWARDS EUROPEAN COMMISSION Research Directorate General Environment - RTD.I Management of Natural Resources – RTD.I.4 GEO S&T OAT ST Kick-off meeting Brussels, Belgium 30 July 2009

© GEO Secretariat Capacity Building Strategy in GEO - I³ An integrated approach based in three complementary elements: Infrastructure CB:Infrastructure CB: HW, SW and other technology required to develop, access and use EO … Individuals (Human) CB:Individuals (Human) CB: education and training of individuals to be aware of, access, use and develop EO … Institutional CB:Institutional CB: building policies, programs & organizational structures in governments and organizations to enhance the value of EO data and products.

© GEO Secretariat Capacity Building Strategy in GEO - I³ CB = Individual CB-09-02: Building Individual Capacity in EO CB = Institutional CB-09-03: Building Institutional Capacity to Use EO CB = Infrastructure CB-09-05: Infra. Dev. & Tech Transfer for Info. Access CB = Cross-cutting CB-09-01: Resource (or Seville Roadmap) Mobilization CB = Cross-cutting CB-09-04: Capacity Building Needs & Gap Assessment

© GEO Secretariat CB Resource Mobilization September st GEO – Donor Capacity Building Symposium Seville Roadmap This GEO resource-mobilization roadmap aims to position GEO as an efficient coordinator of resource mobilization activities and an honest broker serving users, producers and potential resource providers.

© GEO Secretariat CB Resource Mobilization Seville Roadmap GEO will mobilize resources for capacity building by pursuing the following objectives: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the needs and operations of donors, including their project cycles, methodologies, terms of reference, and priorities. Focus on understanding the full range of user communities and networks, including theirneeds and priorities. Strengthen links between the user and donor communities. Sensitize donors to the value of Earth observation and the benefits that building greater capacity for producing and using Earth observations can bring to a variety of users.

© GEO Secretariat CB Resource Mobilization Seville Roadmap Mobilize resources for building the capacity of the three key contributors to Earth observations: individuals, institutions and infrastructure. Identify likely donors for each social benefit area and geographic region. Coordinate resource mobilization in order to promote efficiencies and capacity. Market capacity building for Earth observation as a worthwhile investment and not merely as a cost. Engage and establish mutually beneficial relations with the private sector and establish private-public partnerships.

© GEO Secretariat CB Resource Mobilization Goals: Implement the Seville Roadmap on Resource Mobilization. The roadmap aims to mobilize resources for building the capacity of the 3 key contributors to Earth observations: individuals, institutions & infrastructure. It also works to strengthen links between the user and donor communities.

© GEO Secretariat CB Resource Mobilization Targets for : facilitate the mechanisms of RM in applying Earth observations by: Identifying opportunities to make presentations on GEO to donors Producing an inventory of relevant resource-mobilization organizations Producing an inventory of resource-mobilization capacities of GEO Members Identifying applicable RM training schemes

© GEO Secretariat CB Resource Mobilization Supported by Joint UIC-CBC call for proposals

© GEO Secretariat CB Resource Mobilization - Supported by And ENV Action to support capacity building in GEO Proposals are requested with the objective of establishing a Capacity Building advisory capability in support of Earth Observation (EO) activities, seeking to build upon and complement existing actions in this domain. The primary objectives of any proposal should be: to work with stakeholders in new EU countries and developing countries to identify the actual EO capacity building needs of these groups and then to set out clear and detailed specifications for viable EO capacity building initiatives; to identify possible resource providers and to act as a broker to bring those stakeholders with viable initiatives into contact with these providers; to act as a broker between the stakeholders and the resource providers, assisting the stakeholders to work with the providers to bring the identified EO capacity building initiatives to fruition; to facilitate education and training in support of EO capacity building, to produce monitoring and evaluation mechanisms aimed at determining the efficacy of GEO capacity building efforts.