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Presentation transcript:

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Security Level: Slide title :40-47pt Slide subtitle :26-30pt Color::white Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial 华为企业 UC 组建之 eSpace , BMU ,计费安装调测指南

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. 安装配置流程 Page 2 开始 安装前准备 确定组网图 安装数据库 UC server 软件安装 加载 license 调测 BMU 和 eSpace 调测计费系统 配置业务

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 3 安装调测前准备 在安装前确认服务器硬件已经安装完毕, 操作系统需要 win 2003 SP2 以上。 在调测 UC 服务器之前先要确认是否已经有了 license 检查 license 文件中下面几项,确定 eSpace , BMU ,计费的 license 是否已有:

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 4 eSpace 的功能及在网络中的位置 eSpace 集成了软终端和一号通功能,使用一号通号码作为其电 话号码。用户可以将 eSpace 绑定多个终端,可绑定的终端类型 包括模拟电话、 IP 电话和手机。其他人只要记住他的一号通号 码即可联系到他,而无需同时记多个号码 。

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 5 在华为统一通信解决方案中,话单台服务器与 SoftCo 、 BMU 中的计费 管理模块、 SQL Server 构成完整的计费管理解决方案,典型组网: BillServer - 话单台服务器

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 6 BMU ( Business Management Unit )是基于 Browser/Server 结构的业 务管理系统。它不仅为企业普通用户提供易操作的语音业务配置平台, 而且为企业管理员提供了易操作的企业语音管理平台。 BMU 集成了计费管理、电话会议管理、部门信息管理等功能,并以 Web 页面的形式展示给用户。组网结构: BMU – 业务管理单元

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 7 主要功能: 用户权限管理 提供了对不同类型用户帐号进行分类管理的功能。 会议资源管理 提供了创建、修改、查询、删除会议资源的管理功能。 系统配置管理 提供了 BMU 和 SoftCo 的连接创建、修改、状态查看等管理功能。 企业地址簿管理 提供了查看企业通讯目录服务器中帐号信息的功能。 部门管理 提供了创建、修改、删除、查询企业部门结构的管理功能。 费率设置管理 提供了对费率进行查询、添加、修改、删除的管理功能。 话单控制管理 提供了对 SoftCo 话单的控制管理功能。 话单查询统计 提供了对话单进行统计查询和生成报表的管理功能。 企业自助服务管理 提供了企业普通用户的个人信息维护功能以及对业务进行配置的管理功能。 业务权限管理 提供了企业管理员对企业帐号绑定的号码进行业务权限配置的管理功能。 BMU – 业务管理单元

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 8 企业通讯目录的管理由两部分组成: 服务器 - OpenLDAP 保存和维护企业通讯目录信息;为 PCA 等终端提供查询接口。 管理工具- Edirectory Administrator 为服务器提供可视化的操作维护界面。维护操作包括:增加条目、删 除条目、修改条目、查询条目、导入数据和导出数据。 企业通讯目录

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 9 数据库安装 数据库一般需要客户自 备,UC 各个服务器推荐使用 sql2005 作为其数据库。 其安装方法可以参考 : 产品文档  安装与调测  软件安装  安装 SQL Server 章节

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 10 BMU 和 eSpace 安装和调测 在版本软件安装包找到打开 UC&Management , 找到 UC application\UC Server 中的 Huawei_UC_Server.exe 双击启动安装程序,安装程序包括所有 UC server 组件,选择 BMU 和 OpenLDAP 安装,下一步到最后 详见:产品文档 > 安 装与调测 详见:产品文档 > 安 装与调测 > 软件安装 > 安装 UC 应用软件 服务端 软件安装 安装 UC 应用软件 服务端

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 11 启动服务器 安装完成后桌面会生成服务器图标,双击图标启动服务器,启 动成功后任务栏会有图标

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 12 加载 license 先获取 ESN ,把 esn 、合同号,申请表,发给 license 申请接口 人获取 license

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 13 加载 license 输入 BMU 服务器的地址,自动跳出 license 上传的页面,点击 浏览,上传 license

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 14 开始初始化 刚进去可能遇到如下提示,选 “ 继续浏览此网站(不推荐) ” 那 项,进去后下载根证书就不会有这个问题

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 15 配置 OPENLDAP 如果不需要使用话务台系统,则不需要配置 OpenLDAP 。单击 “ 不使用 OpenLDAP” ,则以后进入 BMU 系统时不会再出现该配 置页面。 否则输入 OpenLDAP 的 IP 地址。

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 16 登陆 BMU 到这里 BMU 的安装结束 如果使用多企业功能,系统默认帐号 ID 为 ,密码为 “huawei” 。 如果不使用多企业功能,系统默认帐号 ID 为 “admin” ,密码为 “huawei” 。

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 17 添加 softco 登陆 BMU 后会有设置向导,第一步就是添加 softco ,

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 18 添加 softco 常见问题处理 正常情况下都会添加成功,自动同步数据。假如失败有两个可 能: 1 、 softco 版本和 bmu 版本不配套。请查询版本号确认。 2 、 softco 已经被其他 BMU 管理的,在 super 模式输入命令: debug debug_pid os_pid_bin cmd 1 查看 The socket ipaddr 和 BMU link port 两项,假如有数据表 示被其他 BMU 管理了。 注:一台 softco 只能同时被一个 BMU 管理

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 19 启动 eSpace 服务 一般情况下 eSpace 服务随着 BMU 一起启动,假如没有的话可 以在 BMU 的 eSpace 管理,服务维护里启动服务,也可以直接 右键点击任务栏图标,选 eSpace 服务查看状态或者重启服务。

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 20 添加 eSpace 账号 在导航栏中选择 “ 号码管理 > 放号管理 ” ,出现放号管理页面。 选择 “SIP 用户放号 ” ,单击 “ 添加 ” ,设备类型选 UC ,

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 21 添加 eSpace 账号 在导航栏中选择 “ 系统管理 > 通讯 录管理 ” ,出现 “ 通讯录管理 ” 页面。 单击 “ 添加 UC 帐号 ” ,出现 “ 添加 UC 帐号 ” 页面。 选择 “ 单个添加 ” ,单 击 “ 下一步 ” , 为 eSpace 添加账号。 一般 UC 账号都要绑定号码,在 UC 号码选择前面添加的 UC 号码即可 绑定。

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 22 安装 eSpace 客户端 在安装文件 UC application\UC Client\Enterprise eSpace 目录下可 以找到客户端安装文件安装后,用刚添加的 UC 账号可以登录 登录之前需要进入安装目录把打开 server 。 Ini 文件中的 server IP 改成 eSpace 服务器

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 23 登录 输入 eSpace 账号即可登录 eSpace 至此, eSpace 和 BMU 都安装调测完 成,一般能成功登陆即表示安装调测 成功。多建几个账号后既可以测试业 务。

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. eSpace 常见问题处理 1.eSpace 服务启动失败 端口冲突,选择 “ 开始 > 运行 ” ,输入 cmd 。在出现的命令行 窗口中输入 netstat -a –o ,查看使用端口的进程,如下黄色框 。打开任务管理器,菜单栏上选择 “ 查看 > 选择列 ” ,出现的对 话框中选中 “PID” ,找到对应 pid 进程,右键结束进程。 Page 进入 BMU 页面时提示 Web 服务器异常 如果数据库地址发生变化,则 BMU 不能正常连接到数据库,进入 BMU 页面时会提示 Web 服务器异常 进入 BMU 安装目录下的 “\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes” 以写字板打开 “hibernate.cfg.xml” 文件,将其中的 IP 地址部分修改为数 据库服务器的 IP 地址

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 25 计费业务安装和调测 计费业务安装和前面 BMU 安装一致,不再累述。计费业务的调 测分 softco 侧配置和软件侧配置(包括 bill server 和 BMU )两 部分 SoftCo 侧配置如下(需登陆 softco 命令行配置模式下): 1. 配置话单台服务器的 IP 地址 config system billserver ip 打开话单生成开关 config createbill switch on 3. 打开 AT0 话单生成开关(可选) config ccm billforat0 flag on 4. 启动 SoftCo 作为 SNTP 服务器 start sntpserver

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 26 计费业务安装和调测 安装和启动 billserver , 安装时和安装 eSpaceBMU 服务器一样下一步即可 安装完在开始菜单启动话单服务器

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 27 计费业务安装和调测 1 、开启 sntp

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 28 计费业务安装和调测 2 、配置 FTP 相关参数,默认已经有了 admin/admin, 可以添加用户和修改密码

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. 计费业务安装和调测 3 、设置话单文件目录 从前一页 FTP 设置看到话 单默认保存在 C:\Bill\CurFile 。 在 “ 话单服务器 ” 窗口中, 选择 “ 话单台控制 > 话单 文件路径 ” ,显示 “ 设置话 单文件目录 ” 对话框,此处 根目录设置为 C:\ ,表示话 单文件保存路径为 “C:\Bill\CurFile” ,若这 里改成 D:\ ,则 FTP 必须改 成 “D:\Bill\CurFile” Page 29

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Page 30 计费业务安装和调测 4 、配置 BMU 侧导入话单, 以系统管理员身份登录到 BMU ,在导航栏选择 “ 公共配置 > 话单导入 配置 ” ,系统将显示 “ 话单导入配置 ” 页面。设置话单服务器 IP 和获取话 单时间(比如 1 分钟), 1 分钟后即可以查询到话单。

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. 计费业务安装和调测 Page 31

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. 计费常见问题处理 1 、设置时间同步失, a. 可用 ping 命令检查服务器到 softco 网络是否正常。 b. 检查 softco 是否开启了 sntpserver 功能,登陆到 softco 配 置模式,用命令 start sntpserver 开启 2 、在 BMU 中查询不到话单 a. 检查 “ 话单台控制 > 话单文件路径 ” 。如果此处改成了 D:\,E 则话单服务器侧的 FTP 共享路径,也必须改成 “D:\Bill\CurFile” b. 以系统管理员身份登录到 BMU ,在导航栏选择 “ 公共配置 > 话单导入配置 ” ,系统将显示 “ 话单导入配置 ” 页面。检查连接 状态是否为 “ 已连接 ” ,如果是未连接状态,请重新设置连接参 数。连接参数必须和话单服务器侧设置的 FTP 参数保持一致. Page 32

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