FORESTUR: “Tailored training for professionals in the rural tourist sector” ES/06/B/F/PP-149544 VALORISATION & SUSTAINIBILITY PLAN Budapest, June 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

FORESTUR: “Tailored training for professionals in the rural tourist sector” ES/06/B/F/PP VALORISATION & SUSTAINIBILITY PLAN Budapest, June 2007

1 What is Valorisation? + Promotion and raising awareness + Dissemination + Exploitation (mainstreaming & multiplication). VALORISATION The 2005–2006 call for proposals required inclusion of valorisation from the project design stage and close monitoring of its implementation throughout the entire life cycle of the project.

2 What is Valorisation? The projects are required to perform specific valorisation activities in particular in order to: ensure that the project results meet needs clearly identified at the outset so that they can be used in vocational training systems and practices (= exploitation of results) produce information focusing on the project’s various activities (= dissemination of results)

3 What is Valorisation? The valorisation activities must be spelled out in a single, coherent valorisation plan which must include a balanced description of activities for disseminating and exploiting the project results. This plan should: - identify the needs of interested sectors, domains and end users; - define clearly the end users of the project’s results; - ensure that these end users will be consulted during the life of the project; - explain how during and after the end of the project, the results will be disseminated and exploited; how they will reach these objectives both during and after the development of the project, and which outside players and bodies will be involved. - The valorisation activities must also be clearly identified in the project budget.

4 What is Valorisation? The goal of a valorisation plan is to explain how during and after the end of the project the results will be disseminated and exploited so as to make them “sustainable” (= once the project has come to an end, the results must continue to be deployed in different vocational training contexts). A valorisation plan must therefore necessarily set out in a balanced and accurated way the activities relating to dissemination and the activities relating to and facilitating exploitation of the results by the end and/or potential users and for the benefit of target groups clearly identified from the project design stage.

5 VALORISATION RESPONSIBLES EUROPROF. HU PIXEL IT CIDAf RO Tuéjar Town C. Bucovina Asoc. CIA Firenze Hungarian Feder. FCVRE Brussels FLORIDA ES Coordinators

6 WP 5 WP5 − DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT VALORISATION & SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY 01/10/2006 − 30/09/2008 (24 months) Objective: To plan from the start what will happen to the project outputs at the end of the contract period. To disseminate and exploit the project results at local, national and European levels,as well as to optimise them by means of ensuring their transfer to other contexts.

7 WP5 Outputs: 1)Detailed and consolidated Valorisation Plan including actions to be carried out in order to ensure the sustainability of the project outputs after the end of the contract period 2)Transfer of the project outputs to other sectors, target groups or socio−cultural contexts, guaranteeing their further Exploitation 3)Transfer of the project outputs to decision−making bodies in the field of vocational training, tourism and regional development

8 WP5 Activities: 1) Further and joint design of the valorisation action plan for the project and how it will be implemented in every partner country. 2) Main activities envisaged in the valorisation strategy: −Project Website for dissemination. The website will be a virtual reference space for the different agents linked to the project, and will be a key tool for its promotion at international level. In order to guarantee the appropriate dissemination and exploitation of the project's results at European level, this website, as well as the products and methodologies contained in it, will be available in the languages of the participating partners. −Dissemination in related portals

9 WP5 −Focus Groups in the partner countries, in which needs addressed by the project and benefits for this target audience will be assessed and discussed −Integration of feedback from the final user into the product design −Promotional articles and material. During the project, articles and results will be published in the press, bulletins, etc. Promotional material will also be created for its distribution: leaflets, posters, presentations in mpeg and Power Point format, etc. −Attendance at conferences and seminars on related topics in which the project's results can be presented and disseminated in order to arouse other users' interest in contributing to their exploitation

10 WP5 −Attendance/participation at Trade Fairs: partners in this project will attend or participate in the tourism−related fairs in their home countries −Distribution of the project's results to every collaborating organisation with the aim of extending the repercussions of these results. Also, with this aim, the opportunity to participate in any of the training schemes designed will be offered to any user who may apply for it, completely free of charge −Cooperation with networks and forums (at regional, national, international or community level) −Media Communication Strategy. A detailed programme will be created (radio, press and Internet) with the aim of reaching the highest number of people

11 WP5 −Extrapolation and adaptation of the results to other institutions related to the training of professionals in the tourism sector −Advising committees * will be created in each partner country and in those where it is found possible −Review and discussion about the project results (partial and final) and their expected impact −Product test by different target groups and users outside of the scope of the partnership * External team composed by relevant actors in the field both high-level (focus groups) and grassroots (final users) and they will be in charge of ensuring the project appropriateness to the sector needs.