January 2009 Equality of Opportunity Elaine Clinton HMI.


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Presentation transcript:

January 2009 Equality of Opportunity Elaine Clinton HMI

Introduction This presentation is divided into 2 parts.  The first part will look at general actions that can be taken to improve equality of opportunity.  The second part will outline the key aspects that inspectors are looking at when inspecting equality of opportunity.

Improving equality of opportunity 1:  Equality of opportunity should be embedded in the organisation's culture  Actions taken need to be relevant to the organisation and understood and owned by all  Crucially, action taken must be because the whole organisation believes they will improve the experience of staff and learners  Actions should not be taken solely for the purpose of inspection

Improving equality of opportunity 2:  Review relevant policies and procedures, lesson plans and schemes of work  Evaluate what you do well and what you think could be improved – talk to learners, staff, trustees/governors, employers  Include staff and learners in changes and ensure there is ongoing training  Talk to other colleagues, visit, share good practice  Look at a range of inspection reports  Use the Ofsted good practice data base: practice

Remember  Equality of opportunity includes race, gender, trans-gender, sexuality, disability, age, religion  In addition it includes health and safety and ensuring that learners and staff are free from bullying

What do we look at? How well is equality of opportunity understood within the organisation:  by learners  by staff by managers  by governors/trustees/management boards  by employers

Using the five key questions from the common inspection framework as the focus

Achievement and standards Analysis of progress by different groups:  ethnicity  gender  LLDD  (where appropriate)

Examples of best practice include analysis of:  Destinations and progression  Attendance  Learner questionnaires  Participation in enrichment and additional learning  Progress of learners receiving additional learning support and also of those identified as at risk

Teaching and Learning  How is equality of opportunity integrated into learning?  How is learner understanding checked and reinforced?  Where appropriate how effectively is inappropriate language/behaviour challenged?  To what extent and how do resources promote equality of opportunity?

Examples of best practice include:  Lesson plans and learning materials are audited to ensure they actively promote equality of opportunity  Observation of teaching and learning routinely comments on aspects of equality of opportunity  Learners talk knowledgably about equality of opportunity and are confident in accessing help if necessary

Meeting the needs and interest of learners  Can all learners access the enrichment/additional learning programme?  How well do learners from different backgrounds mix?  Are dietary and religious needs met?  Where there is a student council- does it reflect the learner population?  How are work placements screened and monitored?

Examples of best practice include:  Well planned and understood arrangements to meet learners needs during Ramadan and other religious festivals  Active promotion and support of the student council during induction and other processes to ensure a diverse range of learners are involved: e.g. support to enable learners with LDD to participate  Well trained refectory staff who have an understanding of dietary needs

Guidance and support  The use of positive role models and representative images in all aspects of publicity  How are external speakers used- is there a diverse range?  Is there access to a prompt translation service where appropriate?  To what extent do all staff demonstrate a good understanding of diversity?

Examples of best practice include:  Exploration of a range of issues in tutorials, e.g. gender orientation  Well planned and diverse tutorials that challenge and stimulate  Good links, and evidence of use of, local community organisations that can offer support e.g. Mosques, specific disability support groups

Leadership and management  What progress has been made with EIA screening?  What reporting arrangements are in place from the equalities group to the governing body/ board of trustees?  How well do senior managers understand equality of opportunity?  Are any EDIMs learner focussed?  How well does accommodation promote equality of opportunity?  Does the balance of staff and governors match the learner population?

Examples of best practice include:  Targeted actions such as shadowing, in-house courses and training to support the progression of under-represented staff  Evidence of senior staff actively tackling issues and engaging with the local community  Effective staff development that raises awareness of local and national issues  Screening of learner questionnaires to identify any issues specific to one group

Summary  Develop processes that are relevant and meaningful to you as individuals and organisations  Build and implement actions in a way that will last