Page 1 ENVISAT Calibration Review, ESTEC, 9 September 2002 ENVISAT Calibration Review Objectives Prepared by: J. Louet
Page 2 ENVISAT Calibration Review, ESTEC, 9 September 2002 Mission Operation Status Overview (9 September p.m.) F Confirm the Service Functions Performances, Operability and Availability u Satellite, in particular Service Module and Payload Module (PMC and data conditioning/recording/transmission) u FOS (satellite control and payload operation scheduling) u PDS status and plans for the last quarter 2002( complete data chain: user services, regional mission planning, data acquisition/processing and distribution of products)
Page 3 ENVISAT Calibration Review, ESTEC, 9 September 2002 Review Objectives (1) F Confirm the operability and availability of the instruments u Operability: on ground tools RGT/FOS matching to on board instrument constraints, remaining issues per instrument u Availability: difficulties encountered/circumvented or not
Page 4 ENVISAT Calibration Review, ESTEC, 9 September 2002 Review Objectives (2) F Instrument Calibration Status u Review the instrument calibration status u Calibration completed ( if not remaining issues and plans for completion) u Impact of the calibration findings on: H The calibration maintenance/monitoring strategy H The operation and constraints ( adequacy or need to upgrade tools for planning, calibration data processing, others…) H The PDS data processors ( processors ready or to be upgraded)
Page 5 ENVISAT Calibration Review, ESTEC, 9 September 2002 Expected Review Outcome F Confirm, on an instrument basis, completion of the calibration, including readiness of the PDS operational processor to serve users with calibrated products; F Confirm the calibration maintenance strategy to be applied during the operational phase; F For instruments, where the calibration is not completed, identify work plan for completion; F Register other issues raised during the review, not directly related to the instrument calibration itself, but which have an impact on the performances, operability and availability of the instrument data products.
Page 6 ENVISAT Calibration Review, ESTEC, 9 September 2002 Review Timetable