Séminaire de lancement du Programme MED Kick-off Seminar Programme MED Colin Wolfe European Territorial Cooperation DG Regional Policy Commission européenne Marseille, 22/11/2007
Borders live on, even if barriers disappear: Roads, bridges ? Rivers, floods ? Health, emergency services ? Heritage, tourism ? Universities, research, business ? Marseille, 22/11/2007 European Territorial Cooperation – cross-border INTERREG Strand A EU fills the gaps
Borders block entire regions (seas, river basins, mountain ranges): Environment and risk prevention; Transport and accessibility; Science and business; Suppliers and markets. We need bigger-picture analysis, response and action Marseille, 22/11/2007 European Territorial Cooperation – transnational INTERREG Strand B EU provides the big-picture opportunities
Borders slow the entire EU: Best ideas; Fresh approaches; Widest link-ups. Marseille, 22/11/2007 European Territorial Cooperation – inter-regional INTERREG Strand C EC provides « fast-track » to best results Regions for Economic Change
MED = INTERREG B providing big-picture answers on : Environment Transport Business, research and innovation Setting a > € 250 m framework to: Address immediate issues Lever in other funding set the stage for bigger thinking, bigger action Marseille, 22/11/2007
EU Cohesion Policy 2014 ? Cooperation ? Transnational ? MED ? Based on : Good planning Strategic projects Excellent implementation Marseille, 22/11/2007
Thank you ! Marseille, 22/11/2007