Clean water 5th.


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Presentation transcript:

Clean water 5th

This man needs water! Will this water give life or will it cause death?

Water is important for life. But it can also bring death Water is important for life! But it can also bring death! What can be in water that you cannot see? This water in the glass looks clear. But when you look at the water in a microscope what do you see? How do these germs get there?

You are walking a long way. You have worked hard in the sun You are walking a long way. You have worked hard in the sun. What will you need? The only water you can see is in a stream. Does the stream look clean?

Upstream what’s happening

What will this river water contain?

What disease can the man get by drinking this water What disease can the man get by drinking this water? Cholera Other diarrhoea hepatitis A

What can you do if you need water at work. Take water to work with you What can you do if you need water at work? Take water to work with you. Don’t drink stream water. Stop people shitting near streams

When it rains heavily where does most of the rain water go?

Model well- Lets understand how this groundwater is cleaned by the soil Make a model of a well Pour muddy water and show how the earth filters water that comes in to the well (may need to prime the well first) But water spilled near the well will not be filtered

Good soil can filter out germs!

Water wells can get dirty and full of germs even though the earth filtered it. How do these wells get dirty?

Bore well with skirt. Can you put stones and rubbish into a bore well Bore well with skirt. Can you put stones and rubbish into a bore well? Why is there cement around it? Is the cement around your bore well broken? How can you repair it?

Water has germs. How do we kill them

Boil water! Heating is not enough!

How do we keep boiled water clean. Role play – This water is boiled How do we keep boiled water clean? Role play – This water is boiled. How do germs get back inside this water? Teacher should insert dirty hands or cups in to the vessel with boiled water and ask children to spot how germs get in

Keeping drinking water clean

Water can save life or bring disease Water can save life or bring disease. Use it carefully and it will bring only life