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Anaemia mdPkpah.

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1 Anaemia mdPkpah

2 We are going to start by talking about fires today
We are going to start by talking about fires today! What do you feel when you sit next to a fire (Hot) Fire releases energy from wood and anything that burns. That’s why its hot and bright near fires

3 What happens to candle if you cover it with glass
What happens to candle if you cover it with glass? Why did the fire go out? Fires need air to burn. The air has oxygen.

4 What do you to make a weak fire burn stronger
What do you to make a weak fire burn stronger? (add more coal, blow air which contains oxygen)

5 Oxygen (air) burns wood to release energy
Oxygen (air) burns wood to release energy. In the same way our body needs oxygen for energy to think and work hard!

6 Oxygen is essential for life
Oxygen is essential for life. That’s why in hospitals sick people are given extra oxygen

7 How does oxygen get inside our body? What happens when you breath?

8 But the oxygen has to get to our legs and hands and brains to give them energy. How do they get there?

9 To find out how oxygen from lungs gets to the rest of the body we need to remember the lesson on white cells. Do you remember that blood has white cells? What do white cells do? (They fight germs) In the blood white cells have a friend. They are the red cells. Why do you think blood is red? Blood has many more red cells than white cells. Red cells are round and red. See the picture of Blood cells. Who can spot the white cells and red cells?

10 If white cells are soldiers who kill germs what do red cells do
If white cells are soldiers who kill germs what do red cells do? Red cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body!

11 Show video 1: Red cells flowing in blood tiny blood vessels
Show video 2 How red cells collect oxygen from lungs

12 You need strong red cells if they are to carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. These are normal red cells

13 Here are 2 more pictures of red cells
Here are 2 more pictures of red cells. One picture has weak redcells and the other has normal cells. Can you spot which is which?

14 If the red cells are weak, they cannot carry oxygen well
The body will lack oxygen and so lack energy People with weak red cells will feel tired easily and they get difficulty breathing Small minor infections quickly become serious infections The teacher should act some of these symptoms Small children get more problems Video 3 red cells

15 When this baby grows up…

16 Do you want it to be clever or stupid!?

17 When babies and young children are growing they need strong red cells
When babies and young children are growing they need strong red cells! If not their brains will not have the same intelligence in the future when they study. It will be too late for the brain to grow

18 What do you need to have strong red cells
What do you need to have strong red cells? Red cells need iron to be strong! Where does iron come from?

19 But there is another cause for anemia
But there is another cause for anemia! The teacher needs to discuss where hookworms come from

20 How do you treat and prevent hookworms
Stop people shitting where others need to walk – like roadsides Take one albendazole tablet every 6 months

21 Most people in India do not get enough iron in the diet
Most people in India do not get enough iron in the diet. To prevent it all children and all women need to take iron tablets. Young children and babies can get iron liquid. You can get these from KCPPHC or Government health centres. Adults and older children need only take one tablet every 3 days. Ask older classes: Why are women more at risk of anemia?

22 Revise Taking extra iron will prevent anemia
It will give more energy to study and work It will prevent simple illnesses becoming serious ones It will make sure that babies and children’s brains grow properly

23 Lets talk about blood transfusion. Raju’s wife had a baby
Lets talk about blood transfusion. Raju’s wife had a baby. When she was pregnant she did not take iron tablets. Revise ANC. Her blood was already weak when she had the baby. After the baby was born she bled too much. The doctors said if she had taken iron tablets when she was pregnant she would be strong enough to have withstood the excess bleeding. But now she needs blood given to her. They asked Raju to donate his blood as he had the same blood group as his wife. Should Raju donate blood?

24 Why are people scared of giving blood?
They think They cannot be strong and work hard Discuss other reasons Arte these reasons correct?

25 Will you become weak if you donate blood?

26 Blood donors are heros!

27 Video 4 blood donation

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