Module 2: Assortment Planning for Next Season


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Presentation transcript:

Module 2: Assortment Planning for Next Season Mod 1: We evaluated last season’s sales performance Mod 2: Purpose: To create a Unit Assortment Plan using the sales forecasts we developed last week.

Mod 2: Section 1 Make all corrections to Mod 1 Complete worksheets (p.29-32) Totals must equal Class 10 (116,878*1.07=125,060) Class 20 ( 31,731* .97= 30,779) Class 30 ( 47,711* 1 .03= 49,142) Class 40 ( 54,971* 1.04= 57,170)

Mod 2: Section 2 Make all corrections to Mod 1 Complete worksheets (p.29-32) Totals must equal Class 10 (116,878*1.10=128,566) Class 20 ( 31,731* .94= 29, 827) Class 30 ( 47,711* 1.03= 49, 142) Class 40 ( 54,971* 1.04= 57,170)

Mod 2 If totals do not match, then you need to readjust worksheets. Combine Mod 1 and 2 Open mod 2, then CTRL + A Enter data for units sold off season (col. Q) (p. 34) Enter formulas for col. R & S (p. 33) Using worksheets, enter your formulas for col. T

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