Restorative Champions


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Presentation transcript:

Restorative Champions

Restorative Conversation Questions What happened? What were you thinking? What were you feeling? Who has been affected by this? What do we need to do to make things right?

Example Charlie and ben Charlie has come to you in the playground. He is upset because Ben has just pushed him in the back. Lots of other children are telling you that Ben is walking around the playground looking upset, this makes you think it’s more than just a push in the back. How could you respond to this as a Restorative Champion?

Example Lucy and Mo Lucy has come to you in the corridor, crying. She is upset because Mo has been ignoring her and leaving her out of games all week. How could you respond to this as a Restorative Champion?

Example steven, kai and sabrina Sabrina has come running over to you in the playground, crying. She is upset because Steven and Kai took away her stilts and ran off laughing. How could you respond to this as a Restorative Champion?