Copy these notes! Suspense – Anxiety or apprehension resulting from an uncertain, undecided, or mysterious situation Pacing – Advancing or developing something.


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Presentation transcript:

Copy these notes! Suspense – Anxiety or apprehension resulting from an uncertain, undecided, or mysterious situation Pacing – Advancing or developing something at a particular rate or tempo Dangerous Action – Self-explanatory Foreshadowing – A literary device in which the author gives clues as to what will happen later

Grab a piece of paper Create 4 columns Leave room for at least 3 rows Suspenseful Moment Pacing Dangerous Action Foreshadowing Leave room for at least 3 rows

During the Story Identify at least 3 suspenseful moments Then, in the corresponding column, explain them as either an example of a dangerous action, pacing, or foreshadowing