BEER – General Update Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Přemysl Beran


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Presentation transcript:

BEER – General Update Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Přemysl Beran Czech Republic Přemysl Beran Jan Šaroun Petr Lukáš Petr Šittner Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Germany Jochen Fenske Gregor Nowak Dirk Jan Siemers Rüdiger Kiehn John Hedde Peter Staron Martin Müller ESS coordinator Robin Woracek

20. - 21.11.2017 – Last STAP meeting

Last STAP report actions Plan for experiments at HIPPO – texture evaluation iMATERIA – combination of SANS and diffraction Engin-X – strain scanning (good to try) Experiments at V20 (ESS tof testbeamline) Detector testing First trials to mimic multiplexing (also gain experience in Mantid for data reduction)

Diffraction on Fe-powder (@90° @V20, WFM-mode) measured: simulated (McStass): Reduced data: WFM-mode: after WFM-stiching: Multiplex‘g: To be developed!:

Last STAP report actions Plan for experiments at HIPPO – texture evaluation iMATERIA – combination of SANS and diffraction Engin-X – strain scanning (good to try) Experiments at V20 (ESS tof testbeamline) Detector testing First trials to mimic multiplexing (also gain experience in Mantid for data reduction) Sample transport to the cave Transportation platform will be available (2x1 m) Main door 2.2x2 m (HxW) (Takumi 1.2x2 m) Rear cave ceiling opening 4.8x2.5 m New 2.5x2.5 m opening above sample stage Takumi 4x3 m above sample but not used often – from experience is much faster using doors Inner-crane capacity of 4 tons (Takumi 450 kg) Floor load increased overall in the cave to 4 tons/m2 Comparing with Takumi because it has also closed cave design.

Cave Current Activities: design of sample tower transportation platform design collimators shielding and shutter calculations PSS Infrastructures (cables, cooling, …) moving and positioning of Detectors support structure (dimensions, weight capacity, openings …)


In bunker Current Activities: cable management support structure of choppers and guides remote handling (RH) Possible position of beam monitor: - connected to chopper or in RH gap

Access Dates for NSS IK partners

Access Dates for NSS IK partners

Timeline Installation schedule is downstream – from cave to bunker! Cave & hutch Currently detail design in progress Ready in the end of June Potential delays due to the electrical design – lot of interfaces Guide shielding and safety shutter Currently calculations and detail design in progress Potential delays due to the complex PSS integration and workflow High risk connected to the budget constrains – storage capacity needed


Timeline Guides Preparing tender for detail design in progress Scheduled to be ready by the end of October Manufacturing should start as early as possible (beginning of 2019) High risk connected to the budget constrains – storage capacity needed

Timeline Detectors Concept tested 3He free MWPC demonstrator in design Support structure in design Choppers Tender in preparation Neutron Optics in bunker Tender in preparation Delays possible due to pending contracts with ESS

Timeline Cold commissioning: Proposed: Mid/End 2021 – Begin/Mid 2022 Beam on Target: Expected: Mid 2022 Hot commissioning Start of User Program: Proposed: End 2024

Thank you for your attention!