Lawrence Jackson TEEN Zone Youth Committee Fiona McGovern Regeneration Officer
Welcome to our session Handing on the Baton. Ardenglen HA have adopted a unique approach to succession planning. We have set up the following structure: AHA Regeneration Team AHA Social Committee TEEN Zone Youth Committee Maureen Cope Community Hall
Winners of the Group Category – Castlemilk Community Achievement Awards 2013
Our aim is: to promote & enhance youth activities & events in our local community.
Our objectives are: to secure funding to deliver Sports & Arts Diversionary programmes to continue to develop TEEN Zone Media Productions to develop & up-skill TEEN Zone Youth Committee members & their programmes participants to partner with young people least likely to engage in existing youth provision to challenge negative perceptions about young people to remove barriers such as territorialism & gang violence.
Finalists at the Evening Times Community Championship Awards for the South East Area
£31.5k grants towards Sports Diversionary Programme £2k through self fundraising £3k grant towards TEEN Zone Media Productions Winners of the Castlemilk Community Achievement Awards 2013 (Group Category) Finalists in the Evening Times South East Community Championship Awards 2012 & 2013 Two successful promotional evenings Summer & Winter Teenager Trips Development & launch of Ardenglen TV Two commissions to film for GWSF
Blaze – TEEN Zone Dancers
TEEN Zones Teenagers Summer Trip to Edinburgh Dungeons BLAZE TEEN Zone Dancers Pamper Night
TEEN Zone Chair & Secretary delivering speeches detailing their progress at their 2 nd Promotional Evening – 26 th February 2013
TEEN Zone members being awarded certificates of achievement from the Lord Provost Cllr Sadie Docherty
TEEN Zones Sport Diversionary Participants
BAG Co-operative Food, Iceland and ASDA. Educational Workshops Alcohol, Drugs & Sexual Health
TEEN Zone Media Productions GWSF Welfare Reform Event -10 th June 2013
The learning exchange has been two way, the association has gained an invaluable insight into engaging effectively with younger members of the community and a new way of communicating with residents. TEEN Zone members now have a firm knowledge of how funding is secured and how this relates to the outcomes expected. We also now understand how our local housing associations operates and the benefits that local people can bring to local services.
Its great to have your voice heard. Collectively we are learning valuable life skills and building on our knowledge. We have fun and are making positive social connections. It helps us build our CVs and personal statements. We are contributing and making a difference.
We are developing new and innovative ways of communicating with our community. We are broadening our understanding of what is important to local people. We are at the beginning of a journey towards securing successful succession. It is a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding way of working. We are delivering regeneration projects which are fresh & exciting.
The importance of succession planning Who can we hand the baton onto? Innovative ways of getting young people involved