Social and Economic Inequalities


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Presentation transcript:

Social and Economic Inequalities Lesson Starter

Today we will… Identify social and economic inequalities faced by Americans.

Success criteria… I will be able to list the various social and economic inequalities that exist.

Ideology The USA prides itself on being a country where all citizens are born free and equal and that anyone can achieve the American Dream. Although hard work and self help can enable American citizens to prosper and succeed, this is not the reality for many ethnic minorities. The USA is an unequal society and millions of Americans live in poverty.

For those who succeed, the benefits may include: For many Americans the American Dream is not the American Reality as they have not become rich from capitalism. For those who succeed, the benefits may include: high level of car ownership good quality housing access to well resourced schools, colleges and universities for their children high disposable income allowing frequent holidays/luxuries private health insurance

Social and Economic Inequality in the USA One way to remember information is through the use of a mnemonic. This is were the first letter of a group of words are strung together to make a new ‘reminder’ word.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    C H I P E Crime Housing Income Poverty Health Education Employment