Body language confused angry.


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Presentation transcript:

Body language confused angry

How is she feeling? Happy

How is she feeling? Sad

How is she feeling? Angry

How is she feeling? Confused

Guess some gestures

What does it mean? well done!

What is the meaning of it? victory!

What is the meaning of it? OK! zero!

What is the meaning of it? friendly!

What does it mean? Goodbye!

surprise fear sorrow disgust 厌恶 contempt 轻视 anger joy

What do the facial expressions mean?

sad How is she feeling?

How is she feeling? curious

How is she feeling? frightened


How are they feeling? Happy & excited

How is he feeling? depressed

How is he feeling? angry disappointed & angry

Answer the following questions 1. Do people from different parts of the world have different body language? Yes, they do. 2. What’s the meaning of the thumbs-up gesture in the US? It means “Great !” or “Good job !” .

Read the text carefully and answer the questions In what countries does “Shaking one’s head” means “Yes” ? In Bulgaria , parts of Greece, and Iran . 2. In what countries does “ the thumbs-up”means “the number one” ? In Germany and Japan . 3. Why do we smile at ourselves in the mirror ? In order to make ourselves feel happier and stronger . 4. What would you do if you greet a friend ? We greet each other with a firm handshake, a loving hug ,or simply a nod of the head .

Choose the best choice for each question Which is the usual way for people to communicate with other people? A. Using only spoken language. B. Using only body language. C. Using both words and body language. D. Using neither words nor body language. 2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ? A.Making eye contact is a way to show interest. B. Body language varies from culture to culture. C. Spoken language varies from culture to culture. D. Spoken language is different from body language.

Choose the best choice for each question 3. What does the gesture of moving the hand in circles over the stomach means ? A. “I am tired.” B. “I am full.” C. “I am hungry.” D. “I am happy.” 4. Which is NOT true according to the passage ? A. The best example of body language is the smile. B. A smile can help people get through different situations. C. We can smile at ourselves in the mirror because we are excited. D. We should give our friends smiling face.

Gesture in the US Gesture in China Meaning No,no,don’t do that. Moving the index finger from side to side Moving the head from side to side Shrugging one’s shoulders Shaking the head I don’t know Well done Thumbs up Thumbs up That’s incredible! I can’t believe it! Rolling one’s eyes Rolling one’s eyes Money. Rubbing the thumb and forefinger together Rubbing the thumb and forefinger together That’s crazy! He/She is crazy! Moving the finger in a circle in front of the ear Moving the forefinger from side to side Good luck. Crossing the fingers on both hands Crossing the fingers on both hands Come here. Moving the index finger forwards and backwards Moving the index finger forwards and backwards

How to be a gentleman or a lady? 3. A smile is the best way. 1. Try to communicate with other people by spoken language and body talk. 4. Be helpful. 2. Be honest and knowledgeable. 5. ….

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands; Never be afraid to show it If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands ! Stamp your feet ! Wink your eye ! Let’s sing the song!