AIM: Where have urban areas grown?


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Presentation transcript:

AIM: Where have urban areas grown? Do Now: Make a schemata map. What do you think about when you think of “cities”?

Core and Periphery in World Economy Fig. 9-22: This north polar projection of the world shows that most of the MDCs are in a core area north of 30° N latitude. The LDCs are mostly on the periphery of this map.

The Homes of major Transnationals and their targets for FDI

Brandt Line The North-South Divide (or Rich-Poor Divide) is a socio-economic and political division that exists between the wealthy developed countries, known collectively as "the North", and the poorer developing countries (least developed countries), or "the South."

What’s your opinion? Why do people live in cities? What problems do we associate with cities? What differences are there between the city and the countryside, eg. Politics, recreation, cost of living? How is the city changing?

URBANIZATION “The process by which the population of cities grows, known as urbanization, has two dimensions – an increase in the number of people living in cities and an increase in the percentage of people living in cities.”

INCREASING PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE IN CITIES 1800 – 3% 1850 – 6% 1900 – 14% 1950 - 30% 2000 - 47% 2008 - Population of urban settlements > population of rural settlements

MDCs “The percentage of urban dwellers is high in MDCs because over the past 200 years rural residents have migrated from the countryside to work in the factories and services that are concentrated in cities. The need for fewer farm workers has pushed people out of rural areas, and rising employment opportunities in manufacturing and services has lured them into urban areas.”

“The percentage living in cities has risen rapidly in recent years in LDCs because of the migration of rural residents to the cities in search of jobs in manufacturing or services. As in MDCs, people in LDCs are pushed off the farms by declining opportunities. However, urban jobs are by no means assured in LDCs experiencing rapid overall population growth.”

Urban vs. Rural LARGE SIZE HIGH DENSITY SOCIAL HETEROGENEITY Vast Area Characteristics of Urban Areas Characteristics of Rural Areas LARGE SIZE   HIGH DENSITY SOCIAL HETEROGENEITY Vast Area Low Density More Social Homogeneity

Where have cities grown? What is a city?

Legal Definition Cities are urban settlements that have been legally incorporated into an independent, self- governing unit. What is the chief executive of our city called? What is his name?

Urbanized Areas Contain the central city and outlying suburbs where pop density exceeds 1000/square mile.

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) An urbanized area with a pop of at least 50,000 The county within which the city is located. Adjacent counties with a high population density and a large percentage of residents working in the central city’s county. Comprise 20% of U.S. land area.

When looking at a Megalopolis, how can you tell where one city ends and another begins?

Which city are they from? If members of a suburban community in Jersey commute to New York City for work, they are part of the New York urban area. If members of a suburban community in Jersey commute to Philadelphia, they are part of the Philadelphia urban area. Similarly, some Connecticut residents commute to NYC and others to Boston or Stamford, or Hartford.