Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination


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Presentation transcript:

Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination 1st Meeting of the Working Group Data & Information Sharing (WG-DIS) of WFD-CIS 10/10/2013

Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination Water Accounts Data & Information Sharing Economics

Knowledge needs (1/2) Not only compliance checking… Build the business case for investment in measures that will deliver water policy objectives or impact water resources. Costs of inaction, scenarios, vulnerability assessments Costs and benefits measures Integration funding instruments / sectoral policies Link to macro-economic policy At all levels! European Union, Member State, River Basin, Region, sector, etc. Link to Europe 2020 and Impact Assessment Processes

Knowledge needs (2/2) Support to EU-wide impact assessment tools (base year water availability and use) Production of water exploitation, consumption, efficiency indicators including quality aspects Ecosystem services accounting Cost-effective production of data required under ESTAT/OECD questionnaires, SoE#3, etc. Identify gaps / ensure consistent assessment of water resources accross the EU

WG Economics Co-leads Objectives: UK, FR and DG ENV Ensure that the 2nd and 3rd RBMPs are based on an increasingly thorough economic analysis of pressures, a proper quantification of the costs, impacts and financing of measures needed to comply with WFD objectives, and the set-up of a sound water pricing policy. Establish clear and transparent methodologies, improve the common knowledge base and when needed agree on practical CIS guidance complementing/updating WATECO, and clarify reporting requirements"

Activity on Water Accounts Co-leads: ES, EEA, DG ENV and JRC Objectives Support the CIS process in relation to economic analysis and the assessment of the POMs from an EU-wide perspective. Build on the prototypes of EU water balances and hydro-economic modelling built by the Commission and the EEA in the context of the Blueprint Fill data gaps, add functionalities and ensure consistency with existing results and tools at national/river basin levels. Develop a multi-scale assessment framework in the spirit of SEIS, integrated into the CIS, avoid duplication with national/RB tools

Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination WG Data & Information Sharing Co-leads: DE, EEA, DG ENV

Priorities Short term revision guidance reporting for 2nd RBMP Long term perspective (WISE 2.0 / SIIF) Wider focus: Streamlining reporting other directives Strengthening knowledge-sharing across EU water policies

Short term revision guidance reporting for 2nd RBMP A short term perspective for a revised reporting strategy for the 2nd RBMPs which will entail the revision of the guidance on reporting and the adaptation of task sheets. The purpose of this revision is to adapt the reporting tools by December 2013, on the basis of the lessons learned from the reporting of the first RBMPs and covering INSPIRE requirements. Reduce content and workload for both MS and COM, strengthen focus on products, ensure comparability throughout MS and develop indicators and common understanding on definitions (dictionary, glossary)

Long term perspective (WISE 2.0 / SIIF) A long term perspective to evolve from reporting towards information sharing between Member States and the Commission from 2015 on, to be implemented in the 3rd cycle RBMPs. This implies upgrading WISE into an interoperable information system, taking account of the Commission's plans for an Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring (IPCheM) and learning from the pilot exercise on the Structured Information and Implementation Framework (SIIF) for the urban wastewater directive.

Long-term vision: What do we want to get out? A distributed / decentralised–how and when do we get it? (need for tools such as reference datasets, …) Define User Needs / products first Improve processes (reduce time needed to process reported information, increase cost-effectiveness, clarify the roles of all actors) An integrated data model for fresh, coastal and marine waters (DPSIR driven) All this should be translated into a renewed WISE vision and a timeline for stepwise implementation in three phases (2015, 2018, 2025)

Scoping study Main objective: Based on: Concept paper: To develop a concept paper which defines a new reporting, information and assessment system for the WFD based upon the SIIF concept, at both national and EU level. Based on: Detailed assessment of the approaches used at national (9 case studies) and EU level to ensure the dissemination of information in relation to the implementation of the WFD Concept paper: identifythe main issues that need to be addressed (both at national and EU levels) in order to ensure that a new reporting system compatible with SIIF approaches is defined and implemented. Present and assess different options to accomplish the transition from the current reporting systems to a new one. 10 months contract signed with COWI on 21/09/2013 WG-DIS to be consulted on interim and final outcomes of the contract

Wider focus Streamlining reporting under the WFD, Floods, Nitrates, Water Industry Directives and the MSFD The EEA together with the MS, should work on defining the formats and procedures. Linking the information reported under the different EU water directives with the development and the implementation of the PoMs including the possible development of a joint reporting for MSFD and WFD programme of measures by 2015. Strengthening knowledge-sharing across EU water policies, reinforcing knowledge and best-practice dissemination at EU, national and RB level.