1 Programmable Function AC Servo AD series Jul.2004.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Programmable Function AC Servo AD series Jul.2004

2 - similar to Visual Basic 1. Features Easy to Use - Stand-alone operation up to 512 steps High cost performance Best solution for Simple Applications Small, Save wiring - Option Unit NOT needed - Build-in I/O

3 (1) Setup Software AHF-P02 for Windows 2. Development System - Edit - Compile - Online Trace - Save (in EEPROM) - Execute (2) Windows 95/98/XP PC with at least one RS-232C port with at least one RS-232C port (4) Servo Driver ADAX3 series (3) PC cable EH-PROG20-cable - Save & Load - Print Functions with Programmable function

4 3. Application System - 12 digital inputs - 8 digital outputs - 2 analog inputs - 1 external encoder input - 1 RS-232C port - Jump - Loop - Wait - Sub routine call - Internal variable - Calculation - Position control - Speed control - Torque control - Synchronization control - Homing I/O Functions Motion Functions Sequential Functions Servo Driver controls itself ! Simple Application without PLC without PLC And, More Safety with PLC ONLY;

5 4. Setup Software AHF-P02 Code Window Data Window Teaching function Default values Program Tool Bar File Print Edit Down load to Drive Debug Up load from Drive Compile & Down load Compile Status Code Tab ON/OFF Code Tab Erase EEPROM

6 5. Statements of Programmable Function Motion Functions (1) MnemonicShort DescriptionRef. Page movPositioning with trapezoidal speed profile6-29 nchgchange speed at pre-defined position6-40 smovPositioning after speed controlled motion6-45 sync 1, 2Synchronize to external encoder6-50 hpReturn to home6-25 stopStop motion, Cancel synchronization6-49 Position Control - Standard control mode MnemonicShort DescriptionRef. Page ortDetect home with external switch6-42 hpsetSet home on current position6-27 Homing - Re-define home for position control

7 Motion Functions (2) MnemonicShort DescriptionRef. Page speedSpeed controlled operation6-47 nchgChange speed at pre-defined position6-40 sync sSynchronize to analog input6-50 stopStop motion, Return to Position Control6-49 Speed Control - for unlimited traveling MnemonicShort DescriptionRef. Page trqTorque controlled operation6-54 tchgChange torque at pre-defined position6-52 stopStop control, Return to Position Control6-49 Torque Control - for special application 5. Statements of Programmable Function

8 ort, hpset Motion Functions (3) Power up END Initialize I/O mov, nchg sync, hp stop Program Start (SON = ON) end Emergency Stop by SON = OFF PositionControl trq tchg speed nchg Homing stop trq Speed Control speed Torque Control smov trq speed 5. Statements of Programmable Function

9 I/O Functions MnemonicShort DescriptionRef. Page open comDeclare use of port6-64 print #Send data to port6-65 input #Read data from port6-67 LOCUnread received data flag6-69 MnemonicShort DescriptionRef. Page chgAllocate function on general I/O6-62 X( ), XwRead digital inputs6-56 Y( ), YwWrite digital outputs6-57 XA( )Read analog inputs6-60 sync 1,2,s Synchronize to external encoder or analog input 6-50 I/O Connector - for connection with other devices PC Connector - for RS-232C communication 5. Statements of Programmable Function

10 5. Statements of Programmable Function Sequential Functions (1) MnemonicShort DescriptionRef. Page entry/endBeginning-End of main program6-10 sub/sub endBeginning-End of subroutine6-10 callBranch to subroutine6-11 go toUnconditional Branch6-14 If thenConditional Branch6-15 select caseMultiple conditional Branch6-20 Ifs then elseChange process by condition6-16 for loopLoop by counter6-12 until loopConditional loop (post-checkout)6-22 while loopConditional loop (pre-checkout)6-24 waitWait by timer, Wait by condition6-23 Program Control MnemonicShort DescriptionRef. Page loadRead value from EEPROM6-18 saveWrite value to EEPROM6-19 contResume program when SON = OFF / ON6-11 Special Program Control

11 5. Statements of Programmable Function Sequential Functions (2) NameShort DescriptionRef. Page P(00)-P(99)Position Command variables6-89 N(00)-N(15)Speed Command variables6-85 T(00)-T(15)Torque command variable6-97 ACC(0),(1)Acceleration time6-70 DEC(0),(1)Deceleration time- U(00)-U(15)User variables6-102 Variables - for Motion function NameShort DescriptionRef. Page MODEControl mode6-84 HPOSHome position6-74 NFBActual speed6-86 NRFSpeed command6-88 IFBCurrent feedback (d-02)6-75 IRFTorque current instruction (d-03)6-77 TRFTorque command6-101 TFBTorque output6-98 INPPositioning completion6-76 SZDZero speed detection6-96 ERR(0)-ERR(3)Trip factor code (d-11, 12)6-73 Variables - only for monitor

12 5. Statements of Programmable Function Sequential Functions (3) NameShort DescriptionRef. Page PBIASPosition command bias for sync operation6-91 PFILTPosition command filter (Fd-36)6-92 KPFPosition control feed forward gain (Fd-10)6-81 POSCurrent position (d-08)6-93 KPPosition control response frequency (Fd-09)6-80 SCVS-shaped curve ratio (Fb-30)6-94 SFILTSpeed command filter (Fd-20)6-95 ACCELSetup variable of acceleration time (Fb-04)6-71 DECELSetup variable of deceleration time (Fb-05)6-72 NLM(0)-NLM(1)Speed limit variables (Fb-21, 22)6-87 JInertia moment (Fd-00)6-78 KFCSpeed response frequency (Fd-01)6-79 KSPSpeed control proportional gain (Fd-02)6-83 KSISpeed control integral gain (Fd-03)6-82 TFILTTorque command filter (Fd-06)6-99 TLM(0)-TLM(3)Torque limit variable (Fd-07, 08, 09, 10)6-100 Variables - for adjust control system

13 5. Statements of Programmable Function Sequential Functions (4) Operators FormatOperation outline = + = = * = / = = mod = or = and = xor = not = abs Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Assignment Modulus OR logical infix operation AND logical infix operation XOR logical infix operation NOT unary operation Absolute value operation FormatOperation outline = > > = True when the variables are equal. True when variable 1 is smaller than variable 2. True when variable 1 is smaller than or equal to variable 2. True when variable 1 is greater than variable 2. True when variable 1 is greater than or equal to variable 2. True when the variables are not equal. Conditions

14 - Read input & Change motion 6. Remarks More Flexibility Best solution for Simple Applications - Calculate commands by itself Simple HMI Auto gain selection Feeder Simple Indexer

15 7. Sample program (1) - Detect Limit Switch as Home Position - Wait X(00)=1, then positioning at P(01) - Wait X(00)=0, then positioning at P(00) - Wait X(00)=1…(same) Servo Drive P24 SON RS ORG X(00) PLC CM1 U V W ENC ORL Servo Motor Encoder Limit Switch (Home position) Ball screw HPOS P(00) P(01)Connection Case Description

16 7. Sample program (1) LineLabelMnemonicParm1Parm2Parm3Parm4Parm5Parm6 001entry 002ort1N(00)ACC(0)DEC(0) 003LOOPwaitX(00)=1 004movP(01)N(00)ACC(0)DEC(0) 005waitX(00)=0 006movP(00)N(01)ACC(0)DEC(0) 007gotoLOOP 008end 009 Code Window Timing Diagram SON ORL X(00) Speed N(00) N(01) P(01) P(00) ACC(00) DEC(00) Servo Lock Line

17 7. Sample program (2) - Read Value from Rotary Switch when X(04)=1 - Send Value to PC - Wait X(04)=0 - Read …(same) Connection Case Description Servo Drive P24 SON RS ORG X(04) PLC CM1 X(00) X(01) X(02) X(03) CNPC PC Rotary Switch

18 7. Sample program (2) LineLabelMnemonicParm1Parm2Parm3Parm4Parm5Parm6 001entry 002open com 003LOOPwaitX(04)=1 004U(00)=Xwand15 005Print #2U(00) 006waitX(04)=0 007gotoLOOP 008end 009 Code Window TX Data BCC HEX value of {X(03)=0, X(02)=0, X(01)=0, X(00)=1} Masked by Xw and 15(= Fh) Command of Print #2(=82h)

19 7. Application Notes (1) Wood Working Machine

20 7. Application Notes (2) Grass Manufacturing Machine

21 8. Enhance Plan Preliminary Feb.2004