Crimson® 3.1 Updates January 2019.


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Presentation transcript:

Crimson® 3.1 Updates January 2019

General Notes and Schedule There are a total of 25 feature additions and 12 updates in this release Monday Update posted to Internal email from Paul Marsh once published Tuesday Press release sent to trade publications YouTube videos posted Email announcement Wednesday Social media posts to drive traffic to web and videos 4/3/2019

Key Feature Additions & Enhancements OPC UA Client Driver OPC UA Historical Access MQTT Connector for Google Cloud Store and Forward Buffering for Cloud Connectors Variable Number of Tag Sets for Cloud Connectors

OPC UA Client Driver Product Feature Available? The Basics Learn More With just a few clicks, Crimson 3.1 gathers the data model and attributes for the OPC UA server the client will connect to On products that also support OPC UA server, they can act as a client simultaneously OPC UA supports text strings; however in this first release, please note our OPC UA client driver will not accept text strings from an OPC UA server. Product Feature Available? DA10D Yes DA30D Graphite® HMIs Graphite Edge Controller CR1000 HMI No CR3000 HMI Why it Matters Other OPC UA clients may only allow access to a preexisting list of data items. We will create a list based on whatever is available from the OPC UA server, with literally two clicks of a mouse. This simplifies system architectures, increases scalability and accelerates data integration initiatives with no additional hardware or expensive software customization required The overwhelming majority of data being served up from an OPC UA server are numerical values; we believe this should not be a significant impact. Learn More OPC UA client driver tech note Two YouTube videos How to set up the OPC UA client driver How to configure a Crimson 3.1 device to act as both an OPC UA server and OPC UA client 4/3/2019

Where to Find it in Crimson 3.1 Click on one of the Protocols under “Network” in the Navigation Pane In the Driver Selection area of the Editing Pane, click on Pick… Scroll to “O” in the Manufacturer side of the dialog box 4/3/2019

Capture Rich Data Model Attributes with Just Two Clicks Click the “Download Data Model from Device” to gather all the available data attributes from the target OPC UA server Create a file name and click “Save” to save the data model and simultaneously connect it to the Crimson database OPC UA Server’s IP Address 1 2 4/3/2019

Connecting OPC UA Server Data to Client Data Tags With drag-and-drop simplicity, select the available OPC UA server data object you wish to connect to an OPC UA client data tag, and drop it into the Data Source area of the Editing Pane 4/3/2019

OPC UA Historical Access The Basics The OPC UA server can be configured to store historical data so that readings can be recovered upon the restoration of a lost connection to the server This feature is not intended to support the random browsing of data When setting this up, consider memory card size when selecting sample rate. This is not recommended for use concurrently with cloud connector store-and-forward buffering, as both may require significant memory, depending on how they’re configured. Product Feature Available? DA10D No (no SD card) DA30D Yes Graphite® HMIs Graphite Edge Controller CR1000 HMI CR3000 HMI Why it Matters OPC UA Historical Access adds resiliency to a system in the case of communication disruption with OPC UA clients. This is normal for OPC UA applications; a client (like OSIsoft PI Historian) will read any missing data items and then return to accepting published data. Learn More Crimson 3.1 Manual Customers may know Historical Access as “HDA”, which stood for “historical data access” – the previous term in the OPC UA standard. 4/3/2019

Where to Find it in Crimson 3.1 Select OPC UA Server from the Services area of the Navigation Pane In the Editing Pane, go to the Historic Data section to enable it, set a sampling rate and establish a disk usage limit 4/3/2019

Crimson Connector for Google Cloud The Basics We are continuing to add to the list of elegantly simple cloud connectors available in Crimson 3.1 Product Feature Available? DA10D Yes DA30D Graphite® HMIs Graphite Edge Controller CR1000 HMI No CR3000 HMI Why it Matters Red Lion is invested in enabling customers’ IIoT initiatives with simple, easy-to-use connectivity solutions We have seen a number of customers in the Oil & Gas industry interested in (or already working with) Google Cloud. Talk with your customers about their cloud considerations and let them know we have many options available. Learn More Google Cloud Connector tech doc 4/3/2019

Store-and-Forward Buffering for Crimson Cloud Connectors The Basics Cloud connectors can be configured to buffer data within the device when a connection to the cloud platform is not available. This feature has two options – buffer to memory or to the SD card (disk-based mode). When setting this up, consider memory card size when selecting sample rate. This is not recommended for use concurrently with Historical Access, as both may require significant storage space, depending on how they’re configured. Product Feature Available? DA10D No DA30D Yes Graphite® HMIs Graphite Edge Controller CR1000 HMI CR3000 HMI Why it Matters Cloud connector buffering adds resiliency (the ability for a system to recover from failures and continue to function) to a system In memory mode, the connector will buffer up to 14,400 values. In disk-based mode, the buffered data will be available even after a power cycle, and the connector will attempt to buffer until it runs out of disk space. Learn More Crimson 3.1 Manual: 18.2, Data Buffering If this option isn’t configured, no samples are stored and at reconnection, only the latest values will be pushed. 4/3/2019

Where to Find it in Crimson 3.1 Choose the Connector you wish to configure in the Communications area of the Navigation Pane On the Service tab, under Operation, select from one of three options in the Data Buffering area. 4/3/2019

Variable Number of Tag Sets The Basics When originally released, users could create up to four sets of data tags, each to be sent at different intervals or triggering events. Users now have the ability to define up to 30 tag sets within a cloud connector Product Feature Available? DA10D Yes DA30D Graphite® HMIs Graphite Edge Controller CR1000 HMI No CR3000 HMI Why it Matters Users may have data they want to send in near real time, while others they only want to send if certain triggering events occur. Using our intuitive Crimson interface, users have even more flexibility in how and when to send data to their cloud platform of choice. Learn More Crimson 3.1 Manual: 18.4.1, Connector Settings YouTube video 4/3/2019

Crimson 3.1 Core Feature Comparison DA10D DA30D Graphite® SD Card No Yes Data logging Web server SQL queries OPC UA server OPC UA client OPC UA historical access No (no SD card) Cloud connectors Cloud connector buffering to memory or SD card