Working group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities


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Presentation transcript:

Working group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

Working group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities Aim: Build on existing guidelines and work around vulnerability, to integrate a wider and more systematic disability inclusive approach to shelter and settlements programming. Purpose: • Test and review the efficacy of AUOR and other inclusive guidance in practice. • Identify and collect good and bad practices from cluster/ working group members. • Act as a forum to bring other organisations, sectors and actors together to share good practices for inclusion of persons with disabilities in programming and response. • Revise AUOR and other good shelter programming guidance for use as a GSC tool. • Disseminate GSC tools and Standards for use by cluster members, disabled people’s organisations and relevant actors. • Develop a ToR for an inclusive shelter expert to support emergency operations.

Working group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities First meeting Thursday 12 July, 09:00 CEST Co-lead by ARC, NRC and IOM with IFRC as a supporting agency. Open to interested GSC members, disabled people’s organisations. WG membership participation = guidance, input on case studies, opportunities for testing AUOR and other guidance in operations Expected time inputs = 1 skype meeting every 2 months + ad hoc inputs Contact: Expressions of interest in joining the WG/ submitting case studies/ opportunities to test guidance:

IASC - Guidelines for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action IASC guidelines on disability inclusion are currently being developed to strengthen accountability to persons with disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies. Includes Shelter and Settlements chapter. Seeking input on: Suggestions for case studies where organisations of persons with disabilities and shelter agencies collaborate (channel through WG) Thoughts on access to shelter and settlement assistance for persons with disabilities - what are the main challenges and gaps - what type of guidance is needed? (To complement AUOR or other existing guidance). Contacts: Vidar Glette Valerie Sherrer Ulrike Last