The Earth’s Moon The Earth’s Moon The Earth’s Moon


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Presentation transcript:

The Earth’s Moon The Earth’s Moon The Earth’s Moon The moon is about 1/4 the size of Earth The phases are caused by the moon’s revolution around the Earth The moon rotates and revolves at the same rate, so we always see the same side of the moon from the Earth

More on the Moon... The moon is pockmarked with craters because it has no atmosphere “waxing” means the moon’s illuminated face is increasing each day or night; “waning”means it is decreasing. The moon was most likely created when a large planetesimal crashed into Earth, splashing some of it into space.

Lunar eclipses Generally, the moon is a little above or below the plane of the Earth’s orbit.When the moon does pass directly behind the Earth into its shadow, a lunar eclipse results.

Solar Eclipses Solar eclipses happen in the new moon position, when the Earth, Moon and Sun line up. Solar glasses are needed!

The length of time for the moon to go from a full moon to a full moon. Lunar Month The length of time for the moon to go from a full moon to a full moon.

Reasons for phases We see lunar phases because the moon revolves around the Earth The moon rises 52 minutes later each day because as Earth rotates, the moon revolves part way around Earth. A lunar month is 29 1/2 days. The actual period of revolution is 27 1/3 days.

Eclipses Lunar eclipses occur in the full moon position Solar eclipses occur in the new moon position Eclipses only happen when the moon, sun and earth line up.

Tides There is a high tide under the moon and 180 degrees on the other side of Earth.