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The phases of the moon and eclipses

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Presentation on theme: "The phases of the moon and eclipses"— Presentation transcript:

1 The phases of the moon and eclipses
Only the shadow knows

2 The moon Is the earth’s only natural satellite
It revolves around the earth It follows a path called an orbit. It rotates so that 1 side always faces the earth and one side we never see. The Dark side of the moon The moon does not emit it’s own light. It reflects the sun’s light Like a mirror.

3 The phases of the moon From the earth the moon seems to change size and shape every month. That’s because we only see the part that is illuminated by the sun. It travels around the earth in 28 days Each position looks like a different shape. We call these the phases of the moon. When the moon is getting bigger we call that waxing. When the moon is getting smaller we call that waning. When it’s almost full we call that gibbous or hunchbacked

4 This is how we see them New moon Full moon Waxing crescent
First quarter Waxing gibbous Full moon Waning gibbous Last quarter Waning crescent

5 This is their position around the earth

6 Eclipses are shadows When the sun shines on 1 side of the earth the other side casts a shadow. When the earth moves between the sun and the full moon the earth casts its shadow on the moon It looks dark and red. This is called a LUNAR ECLIPSE The umbra is the full shadow The penumbra is the partial shadow


8 Solar eclipse When the new moon passes between the sun and the earth it casts its tiny shadow on a certain path on the earth. You can only see a solar eclipse if you go to that path. Here is the predicted path of the solar eclipse in 2024. You should be able to see it from Quebec

9 Here is how it works

10 Here is what it looks like

11 Solar eclipse animation

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