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Title of book Written By:

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1 Title of book Written By:
Insert Picture that represents your book.

2 Page on shadows. Be sure to include:
The direction shadows move throughout the day Time of the shortest shadow A picture of a shadow and the Sun causing the shadow.

3 Page on Day and Night Be sure to include: What causes day and night.
How long it takes Earth to rotate one time. What season has the longest days. What season has the shortest days. A picture representing day and night.

4 Page on seasons Be sure to include: The 2 reasons for seasons.
The degrees the Earth’s axis is tilted. The length of time for one revolution of the Earth around the sun. Season when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and away from the sun. A picture representing the seasons.

5 Page on Moon fact/phases
Be sure to include: The length of a lunar cycle. The name when the Moon is getting brighter. The name when the Moon is getting less bright. The reason we always see the same side of the Moon. A Picture of the Moon phases.

6 Page on eclipses Be sure to include: The definition of solar eclipse.
The definition of lunar eclipse. A picture of both eclipses.

7 Page on tides Be sure to include: The cause of tides.
The number of tides in one day. The hours and minutes it takes a tide to change. The Moon phases that spring tides occur and the effect of spring tides. The Moon phases that neap tides occur and the effect of neap tides. A picture of both spring and neap tides.

8 Name _______________________________ Date______________
Title of Assessment Create a question for each page of book. This need to be a printed out sheet you can give the students to complete. You may want to do this on word

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