Aim: How can we explain weather fronts?
Weather Fronts Where two air masses of different characteristics meet Most storms form near fronts Front symbols point in the direction of travel
In our area, weather fronts and systems travel NORTHEAST
Cold Front Boundary between advancing cold air mass and a warm air mass Thunderstorm-type clouds Intense precipitation at front edge Passes quickly
Warm Front Boundary between advancing warm air mass and retreating wedge of cold air mass Precipitation ahead of the front Takes a longer time to pass
Stationary Front Two air masses of different characteristics remain in the same position Noticeable temperature change and/or shift in wind direction is observed when crossing front
Occluded Front Boundary between opposing cold air masses Formed when cold front overtakes warm front and pushes warm air completely off the ground Large areas of rainy weather
Warm Front Cold Front
Warm Fronts Cold Fronts
Stationary Front Warm Fronts Cold Fronts