10.1 Beliefs and Values Revision. Main Topics Why Christians believe that God is one and three Why Christians believe that God is the Father and the Creator.


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Presentation transcript:

10.1 Beliefs and Values Revision

Main Topics Why Christians believe that God is one and three Why Christians believe that God is the Father and the Creator Why Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God The importance of salvation from sin Why loving God and loving others is important for Christians How love of God and others is shown by the life of: a religious community; a church Beliefs and Values

Why Christians believe that God is one and three Christians believe in the unity of God and also that God is a trinity Gods unity helps them understand the power and importance of God because there is only one God and Christians should worship him. Gods trinity helps them to understand Gods activity in the world as father, son and holy spirit Gods unity and trinity are important as they are part of the teaching of the bible and church

Why Christians believe that God is the Father and the Creator Believing in God as father means that Christians can have a relationship with God like they can with a human father. It also means that God will love, care and provide for them. This is important for Catholics because it is the teaching of the bible, Jesus and the church. It is also important as it gives Christians Gods love and salvation.

Why Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God Christians belief in Jesus as the son of God means that Jesus was both man and God. He was conceived by the holy spirit and was God on earth. His example and teaching show Christians how God wants them to live. It is important that Jesus is the Son of God because: 1.it explains that there is a special relationship between God and Jesus 2.His life shows what God is like 3.His life and death bring salvation and external life

The importance of salvation from sin Christians believe sin is what separates people from God and people who die with unforgiving sins will not go to heaven. They also believe that sacrifice of Jesus brought salvation from sin, that is forgiveness and the promise of external life. Catholics believe that salvation is important because it: Saves people from hell and leads them to external life with God Was the purpose of death of Jesus Explains why we have the sacraments Gives Christians a reason to live a holy life

Why loving God and loving others is important for Christians Love of God is central to Christian belief. Jesus said love of God is the greatest commandment. Love of God is important as it is commanded be Jesus, Gods son, leads to living a good life, thinking of others before yourself and salvation. Love of God affects a Christians life as they will have to show their love of God in their choice of career and their daily life

How love of God and others is shown by the life of: a religious community; a church The Carmelites show love of God by separating themselves from the world, taking the evangelical counsels, spending most of their lives in prayer and worship including daily mass following the Carmelite rule the church shows love of God by being a place of worship of God and by providing the mass and the sacraments. The church shows love of others by helping parents raise their children as good Catholics by helping the needy through SVP and CAFOD groups and by providing social facilities.