Warm Up What is geography? What can learning geography tell you about places?
5 Themes of Geography
MR. HELP M R H E L P ovement egion uman- environment interaction ocation lace
Movement Where and why people migrate from place to place
Region Dividing the world based on similar characteristics
Human-Environment Interaction How people adapt to and modify the environment, positively and negatively
Location Absolute location - Latitude and longitude Relative location - In relation to something else
Place Human and physical characteristics, including natural landforms and landscapes and man-made structures
Pick a place, any place! Describe it using the 5 themes of geography (Mr. Helps). Can be a city, state, country, building, theme park, anything! That is your ticket out of class today!
Map of the World Label everything you can on your map. Oceans, continents, countries, cities, states, rivers, lakes, etc.