By: Lucie Nedavašková. Roast duck with red cabbage and potato dumplings.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Lucie Nedavašková

Roast duck with red cabbage and potato dumplings

Ingredients - DUCK duck Salt,cumin water Rinse the duck. Put some salt and cumin on it. Put it to the pan, pour some water into the pan, cover the pan and bake in the oven. Bake the duck at 180 to 200 ° C (depending on an oven) for about 2 hours. Add some water several times during baking. In the end bake the duck uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes to obtain a golden color and crackling.

Ingredients on cabbage Smooth flour ½ onion 1 Red cabbage Spoon of vinegar salt,cumin, sugar Cut cabbage into strips. Place in a pot, add salt, caraway seeds, add water and add a tablespoon of vinegar. Simmer until soft, season it with salt if necessary, vinegar and sugar. Fry it in a pan in some oil with finely chopped onion until it is golden brown, then add a little flour, mix it and fry a minute more. Finally, mix the flour with the onion into the cabbage, which actually thicken it and gives it a better taste.

Ingredients on potato dumplings approximately 400 g raw potatoes shredded to fine approximately 300 g flour Salt Grate raw potatoes, add salt and flour. Add the flour slowly and mix well with your hands. Add enough flour so the dough is thick enough - consistency for the preparation of potato dumplings. Take a part the dough into a tablespoon and throw it into some boiling salted water and cook for about 7 to 10 minutes. Take them out of the water and let them cool.

Potato soup Potato soup is a kind of traditional Czech soup. Usually prepared with potatoes and root vegetables - usually carrots, celery, parsley, etc. One of the most important ingredients are mushrooms. Often the emphasis is on thick, creamy consistency. Traditional Czech potato soup must always contain, as a basic raw potatoes, garlic and marjoram.

Brie Czech camembert Brie cheese is the name for marinated camembert.There are many different recipes for preparation of brie cheese

Tenderloin sauce is kind of typical Czech sauce that is prepared from root vegetables and cream. Usually served with beef and dumplings as an attachment, with cranberries, or other sweet jam, lemon and cream to complete the taste. Tenderloin sauce

Potato pancake Potato pancakes are seasoned pancakes. Served usually as a side dish, but they taste great as well as individually, especially as an appetizer with beer.