Lowestoft Collaboration Academy 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Lowestoft Collaboration Academy 2016 Support for Lowestoft MYGO Anne Rawstron, Luke Bennett, Tony Doorly and Chris Scott.

Key Learning from the Programme More understanding of what is out there. Better understanding of the different organisations taking part in the Collaboration Academy. How we can link into each others 100 day plans. The benefit of seeing how other projects in other parts of the country have worked together to improve Communities. How a physical asset can become a thriving community hub that can be used to- Deliver better services. Learn from other projects already up and running e.g. MYGO Ipswich. Importance of monitoring the impact of the work. Different ways of thinking from Voluntary/Public Sector.

Action Plan Presented our thoughts to Lowestoft MYGO steering group how we would like to support the centre when it is open. Working collaboratively with MYGO centre manager to enhance the services available to the young people who will use the centre. Support to help reduce the number of young people in Lowestoft becoming NEET and therefore increase economic growth and reduce demand on services. Use Customer Insight working with Centre Manager to evaluate and evolve this new service on going. Link with the other 100 day offer groups e.g.

Way Forward Anne- is an active member of the MYGO steering group for DWP and will work with the centre manager to offer Work Placements, sector training, employment opportunities and establish employer links. Support for young people with personal budgeting working with Citizens Advice. Commission funding to run Digital Job Clubs. Luke- works closely with MYGO Ipswich through East Suffolk Partnership (ESP). It is a priority of the ESP to ensure people in Suffolk have the skills to meet employment opportunities and will help with the mapping of services available in the area and development of the plan. Tony- from Trading Standards could  provide help  and assistance to young people who would be looking to  start-up  businesses and in doing so  offer support for young entrepreneurs to  understand  legislation in areas  such  a food , product safety, consumer protection  which can  be complex and difficult  to understand. Help  and advice could be given by way  of signposting, directly advising on a specific  idea or product or by giving talks or presentations to  groups  giving an overview of the legal framework. This would be done in a way  that does not limit the entrepreneurial spirit of the young person  but to  arm them with sufficient information for them to have  confidence in moving forward with their idea. Chris- works for the Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG Work Force Development