sp3 Service Standards for: In-Person/Telephone/


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Presentation transcript:

sp3 Service Standards for: In-Person/Telephone/Email GREET -- Present a Welcoming & Friendly Environment TREAT -- Treat the Individual with Professionalism & Respect HELP -- Answer the Individual’s Question or Assist with Resolving the Individual’s Problem/Concern FOLLOW UP -- Follow up to Ensure Individual’s Satisfaction

In-Person Examples GREET - Present a Welcoming and Friendly Environment 1. Maintain office coverage during the stated office hours (lf not available, post a notice indicating when someone will be or how assistance can be secured in the absence of office staff) 2. Greet the “Individual“ within 5 Seconds 3. Smile 4. Make Eye Contact 5. Introduce Yourself 6. Ask, “How Can I Help You?” TREAT - Treat the Individual with Professionalism and Respect 1. Seek to secure the individual’s name 2. Use the individual’s name during the interaction 3. Actively listen to the individual’s questions/concerns Look the individual in the eye Stop what you are doing and give the individual your attention Ask questions to clarify your understanding Repeat the individual’s question or concern to confirm understanding 4. Protect the individual’s personal information by practicing confidentiality 5. Use courtesy words such as “please and thank you” 6. Speak clearly and slowly and use words the individual can understand (avoid acronyms) 7. Explain why delays may be occurring If an individual is required to wait, explain why a wait is necessary, provide an estimate of how long the wait may be, check back often to notify the individual of wait status 8. Demonstrate patience with individual regardless of their behavior toward you 9. Initiate contact with an individual who appears confused or appears to need help HELP - Answer the Individual’s Question or Assist with Resolving the Individual’s Problem/Concern 1. Use the FAQ database to assist individuals with frequently asked questions 2. Provide clear information and explanations of PUC's core processes FOLLOW-UP - Follow Up to Ensure Individual’s Satisfaction 1. Ask the individual if he/she is satisfied with the service he/she just received 2. Ask the individual if his/her questions/concerns have been addressed 3. Ask the individual if there is anything else you can help him/her with http://webs.purduecal.edu/registrar/welcome/frequently-asked-questions/

Telephone Examples GREET - Present a Welcoming and Friendly Environment Maintain telephone coverage during the stated office hours (lf phone coverage not possible, establish a voice mail indicating your status, when you will be back in the office and who caller may contact in your absence) Answer the telephone within 3 rings Greet the caller by identifying University Department Your Name Ask, How Can I Help You?” Smile (it will translate to your voice) TREAT - Treat the Individual with Professionalism and Respect Seek to secure the individual’s name Use the individual’s name during the interaction Actively listen to the individual’s questions/concerns Stop what you are doing and give the individual your attention Ask questions to clarify your understanding Repeat the individual’s question or concern to confirm understanding Use courtesy words such as “please and thank you” Speak clearly and slowly and use words the individual can understand (avoid acronyms) Demonstrate patience with individuals regardless of their behavior toward you Successfully place calls on hold Ask permission to place a call on hold Explain why a wait is necessary, provide an estimate of how long the wait may be, check back often to notify the individual of wait status HELP - Answer the Individual’s Question or Assist with Resolving the Individual’s Problem/Concern Use the FAQ database to assist individuals with frequently asked questions Provide clear information and explanations of PUC's core processes Successfully transfer telephone call to another individual who can be of further assistance Ask for permission to transfer the call Provide the caller with the name and number of the person you are transferring the call to (in case of disconnection) Announce the call by providing the caller’s name and the reason for the call Ensure the connection has been made and announce that you are hanging up http://webs.purduecal.edu/registrar/welcome/frequently-asked-questions FOLLOW-UP - Follow Up to Ensure Individual’s Satisfaction Ask the individual if he/she is satisfied with the service he/she just received Ask the individual if his/her questions/concerns have been addressed Ask the individual if there is anything else you can help him/her with If taking a telephone message for another individual, secure caller’s name & number, best time to call back, and reason for the call Use email to deliver the telephone message Return telephone calls within 24 hours

Email Examples GREET -- Present a Welcoming and Friendly Environment Monitor your email during the stated office hours. If monitoring of email is not possible, set up an automatic reply message to alert individuals of: Your status When you are expected back in the office How they can get assistance in your absence TREAT -- Treat the Individual with Professionalism and Respect Use the individual’s name during the interaction Follow email etiquette when writing messages: Use words the individual can understand (avoid acronyms) Use courtesy words such as “please and thank you” Include a signature line in your email identifying Name Phone Email address Do not copy a message or attachment without permission Do not write in CAPITALS HELP -- Answer the Individual’s Question or Assist with Resolving the Individual’s Problem/Concern Use the FAQ database to assist individuals with frequently asked questions http://webs.calumet.purdue.edu/registrar/welcome/ frequently-asked-questions/ FOLLOW UP -- Follow Up to Ensure Individual’s Satisfaction Respond to e-mail messages within 24 hours Ask the individual if there is anything else you can help him/her with