Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy 2018-2021 Vision Statement V6 To reduce the prevalence, likelihood.


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Presentation transcript:

Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy 2018-2021 Vision Statement V6 To reduce the prevalence, likelihood and harm of domestic and sexual violence and abuse on all. We will achieve this by providing governance, assurance and co-ordinated improvement across all services including statutory, commissioned and voluntary agencies.

Breadth of the Vision Prevalence – want to prevent it happening in the first place Likelihood – want to improve resilience and reduce the level of repetition Harm – want to reduce the negative impact and support recovery, change and non-abusive behaviour On all – acknowledge the impact on children, victims, perpetrators, communities Across all – know that it requires a co-ordinated response to be effective and make an impact

Development of the Strategy Fundamentally, a strategy is a document used to communicate the vision, aims and priorities Considered the Home Office: National Strategy Statement of Expectations Commissioning Toolkit Local Needs Assessment Strategic Vision and Framework Annual Delivery Plans [strategy] ..must contain clearly articulated goals, action steps, responsibilities, accountabilities, resources and deadlines. Everyone must understand the plan and their role in delivering it. (Home Office 2016)

Strategic Framework A Strategic Approach - we understand the problem & use resources to best effect across the system Recognition and Identification – we encourage early engagement and a preventative approach Risk assessment and response – we respond to risk through robust single and multi-agency processes and procedures Clear, effective pathways – for victims and their children, which hold perpetrators to account and offer change Quality & Assurance - there is robust scrutiny of performance so that we understand our collective impact and continue to learn.

Strategic Objectives A strategic approach There are effective connections with other key partnerships (CSPs; HWBBs; LSCBs; LSABs) There is effective identification and use of resource (including joint commissioning) We understand local need We will build and sustain a skilled local workforce Recognition and identification We have effective awareness and prevention work There are early referrals into key services We identify specific approaches for key vulnerable groups (those not being identified/accessing services/getting good outcomes) Risk assessment and response Agencies are able to identify , accurately assess and report on risk and needs Agencies respond to risk through robust single and multi-agency processes and procedures Clear, effective pathways There are adequate services and efficient support pathways for victims The impact on Children and Young People is recognised and addressed through single and multi-agency pathways Perpetrators are identified and interventions are in place to support change Quality and assurance We will establish and analyse performance data that reflects demand, needs and outcomes We will improve through learning from reviews, single and multi-agency audits We will increase and improve service user involvement

Governance DSVA Executive leadership DVSA Closed Ops Group - oversight DVSA Open Ops Group - insight DVSA Closed Ops Group - oversight Sub Groups MARAC Management Perp. Communications VAWG Transformation Commissioning R2SV KSG Data & Impact Not yet established Locality areas – understanding, plans, priorities and actions, networks