NOTEBOOK ENTRY: Do you think volcanoes and earthquakes are related


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Presentation transcript:

NOTEBOOK ENTRY: Do you think volcanoes and earthquakes are related NOTEBOOK ENTRY: Do you think volcanoes and earthquakes are related? Explain why or why not. TUESDAY 11/14/17

Generating an Argument

Eruption of Mount St. Helens

Topic: Are the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes related? Gather evidence to answer the question Research and identify evidence to begin identifying a claim (answer to the question) Record evidence on group workspace Create Argument Create a PowerPoint or poster to show your claim, evidence and reasoning. Review your argument with the rubric identified on the resource list. Conclusion: Gallery Walk to Review Group Arguments Agenda for Generating an Argument

Expectations for Use of Chromebooks Be Responsible Always use the one you are assigned. Only use it in ways that are intended for the assignment. Return it to the correct spot and gently plug back in. Be Respectful Let me know if it is not working right. Don’t adjust the settings. Take care of the technology Expectations for Use of Chromebooks

With your group, use the suggested resources to develop an explanation that can be used to answer this simple, but important, question. You can access the directions on my webpage and click on the links directly from there. Today you need to focus on identifying evidence to help you decide on a claim. You can record any observations or notes on the shared workspace at your table (11 x 17 paper) Group Task

Time Keeper – Participate in the research and discussion, keep track of the time so group is not falling behind. Recorder – participate in the research and discussion, record group evidence on the 11 x 17 paper including the source of the information (website address and name) Summarizer – participate in the research and discussion, as the group is having the discussion this person should be listening for patterns and trends in the evidence discussion. You will help the group to identify your claim statement; as well as evidence that is relevant and supports your claim. . Moderator - participate in the research and discussion, ensure your group is on task and looking at all the different evidence sources Group Roles

Thursday 11/16/17 No Notebook Entry Today Please get your Chromebook from the cart and go to Mrs. Burke’s webpage and open the Handout: GAR with earthquakes and volcanoes The group recorder needs to get your groups 11 x 17 paper from the cupboard. Thursday 11/16/17

What is Evidence? Starts as data Data = recorded observations or measurements Becomes evidence when it is used to prove or justify a claim. Must be relevant = evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion What is Evidence?

Are Earthquakes and Volcanoes Related? Claim: Give a one sentence answer to the question Are Earthquakes and Volcanoes Related? Evidence: What evidence (data) from the online sources supports the claim you made above? Site your source!!!! Reasoning : In this section you write a summary that explains how your claims and evidence answer the question. Reasoning: What science concept(s) would explain the relationship between your claim and the evidence?

Use the suggested resources to develop an explanation that can be used to answer this simple, but important, question. You can access the directions on my webpage and click on the links directly from there. Today you need to finalize a claim, identify relevant evidence and reasoning. Create a poster or PowerPoint to explain your group’s thinking. Follow the directions on the back side of my resource page. Group Task

Friday 11/17/17 No Notebook Entry EACH GROUP NEEDS ONLY 1 COMPUTER. It should be either the summarizer or the person in the group who was typing the PowerPoint yesterday. The recorder needs to get the groups 11 x 17 paper out of the cupboard. Friday 11/17/17

You have until _______________ to finish your groups poster or PowerPoint. You must have the following in your argument: The big question Our explanation-your claim Evidence supporting our explanation Scientific reasoning GROUP MEMBERS NAMES FINISH THE TASK

One member of the group stays at your work station to share your groups’ ideas while the other group members go to the other groups You will to listen to and record their claim and evidence. Gallery Walk

Determine if their argument is persuasive and convincing Do they have a clearly written claim and does it make sense? Did they use appropriate evidence (They clearly identify and describe observations or measurements about specific events and/or locations)? Did they use enough evidence to support their ideas (They used more than one piece of evidence and all their ideas are supported by evidence)? Is their reasoning adequate (i.e., They explain why the evidence was used and why it supports the explanation)? Is their reasoning appropriate (rational and sound)? Determine if their argument is persuasive and convincing