Coach Terry &Coach Hollenbeck Extreme Sports Coach Terry &Coach Hollenbeck
Course overview & Objective This course promotes a physically active and healthy lifestyle in a more non- traditional athletic setting, with a special emphasis on individual improvement and team building.
Safety First! Class size is near or over 50 students per teacher Students need to pay attention as we review rules and procedures Any student who does not follow rules or causes a safety issue will be pulled from activity and will not receive points for the day
Supplies Tee shirt Athletic shorts Athletic shoes One 3 prong folder with pockets* Loose leaf paper* Pencil*
How students are Graded Physical Pre-test: measure where they are at the beginning of the course (running, Push Ups, Pull Ups, etc.) Final: re-assess the same skills and abilities, looking for improvement from Mid-Term Notebook checks (every 2-3 weeks): students must have folder at time of check and give information required Quizzes (every 2-3 weeks): Questions come directly from their bell ringers and class discussion Participation: students pay attention/follow directions, try the activity, Maintain safe behavior Dressing Out: students are dressed in athletic clothing and shoes so that they can safely participate
Grading Scale Bell-ringers/Station questions-15% Dressing Out-15% Rules Assessments-20% Project(s)-20% Participation-30%
What we’re doing… Physical Activity centers Ultimate Frisbee Bowling Horse Shoes Pickle ball Bocce Ball Hockey Dance And more!