What is Care Navigation


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Presentation transcript:

What is Care Navigation

What is Care Navigation Care Navigation is a person-centred approach that uses signposting and information to help primary care patients and their carers move through the health and social care system as smoothly as possible to ensure that unmet needs are met. Care Navigation is a tried and tested model of care that improves access to primary care services for patients and reduces GP pressures all in one.

What is Care Navigation It enables frontline staff to provide patients with more information about local health and wellbeing services, both within and outside of primary care, in a safe, effective way. Care Navigation offers the patient ‘choice not triage’ to access the most appropriate service first which as we know, isn’t always the GP. Care Navigators do not make clinical decisions.

The Process

The Benefits Increases patient choice and control provide information about selection criteria (Our Care, Our Health Our Say 2006) Does not require staff to make clinical decisions but supports staff in empowering patient choice Practice Team working together to give consistent information Audit trail to confirm what advice has been given & where the patient was signposted to Enables patients to get the most appropriate service in a timely manner i.e. MECS Supports the self-care agenda

Care Navigation - Next Steps……. Phase 1 Pathways Community Pharmacy Carer Support Mental Health Healthy Lifestyles Dental Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) Phase 2 Pathways MSK Social Prescribing Relate Counselling Clinical Pharmacists Wheelchair Referral Service Hearing Services Actions:- Brief Phase 1 Pathway Leads Prepare access criteria template for each Phase 1 Pathway Prepare communications plan for practices to adopt Visit to West Wakefield to observe Care Navigation taking place Brief Group Leads at September Meeting

Admin & Reception Training (ART) Timeline Year 1 Introduction to Care Navigation (Oct 2016) WIN Project Launched Commence DOS Review (Feb 17) Year 2 WIN data collection from practices & stakeholders & commence communications (April 2017 Practice Manager Training (including Aspiring PMs) Soft launch of WIN (July 2017) Care Navigation Training (West Wakefield) includes stakeholder engagement, template development, online training & face to face training (Oct 2017→) Telephone Consultation Training (Oct 2017→) Document Management Year 3 Implement Document Management (2 year programme) Medical Assistants (HEWM) Care Navigation Phase 2 & 3 Pathways implementation Practice Management Diploma Admin & Reception Training (ART) Timeline

For further details contact the Primary Care Team Jo Reynolds – Primary Care Development Manager Ranjit Khular – Primary Care Transformation Manager Lucy Sherlock – Group Manager (Medical Chambers) Liz Green – Group Manager (Primary Care Homes) Sarah Southall – Head of Primary Care