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Welcome to Jeopardy!

Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Chem & Physical Changes Con vs. Des Forces Cells and Classification Magnets and Electricity Microbes and Heredity Sum of its Parts Chem & Physical Changes Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

This is a drawing of the earth and it layers. (Label each part) $100 This is a drawing of the earth and it layers. (Label each part)

$100 What is … Scores

This is the three types of plate movement. (Name and draw them) $200 This is the three types of plate movement. (Name and draw them)

What is a convergent, divergent, transform? See teacher for drawing. $200 What is a convergent, divergent, transform? See teacher for drawing. Scores

This is the difference between lava and magma. $300 This is the difference between lava and magma.

$300 What is magma is molten rock that comes from the Earth’s mantle and lava is molten rock that flows out from a volcano? Scores

This is the difference between weathering, deposition, and erosion. $400 This is the difference between weathering, deposition, and erosion.

$400 What is weathering- the process of breaking down rock by natural means; erosion- process of moving sediment by win, moving water, or ice; deposition-is the process of “dropping off” the sediment? Scores

$500 Explain the difference between constructive and destructive forces. Give three examples of each.

See teacher for example. $500 What is constructive is the build up of a landform; destructive is the breaking down of a landform. See teacher for example. Scores

This is why scientist classify living things? $100 This is why scientist classify living things?

$100 What is they classify because it helps to group similar things together and to learn more about each group? Scores

$200 This is the difference between vertebrate and invertebrate and an example of each.

$200 What is vertebrate- an animal with a backbone (cow); invertebrate- an animal without a backbone (snake)? Scores

$300 This is the difference between a vascular and nonvascular and an example of each.

$300 What is vascular- a plant with tubes to carry nutrients and water through the plants (yes tubes in the leaves) ex. Pine tree; nonvascular- a plant without transport tubes to carry water and nutrients ex- moss? Scores

Daily Double

This is the difference between a plant and animal cell. $400 This is the difference between a plant and animal cell.

What is a plant cell has a cell wall and cytoplasm (makes food)? $400 What is a plant cell has a cell wall and cytoplasm (makes food)? Scores

This is the 5 kingdoms and one example of each. $500 This is the 5 kingdoms and one example of each.

$500 What is… Plant- multi-celled,make their own food; tree. Animal- multi-celled, do not make their own food; dolphin Protist- single celled, some make their own food; algae Bacteria (moneran)- single celled; athletes foot Fungi- multi-celled, don’t make their own food; mold, mushrooms Extra info: Gene chromosomes nucleus Cell tissue  organ organ system Scores

$100 This is the definition of microorganisms and an example of how they can be beneficial and harmful.

$100 What is a living thing that is too small to see without a microscope. Harmful- virus can make you sick, beneficial- yeast can make bread. See teacher for more examples? Scores

$200 This is the difference between an instinct, learned behavior, and inherited trait.

$200 What is instinct- a way of acting that is passed from parents to offspring, learned behavior-a behavior that is learned due to the environment, and inherited trait-characteristic passed from parents to offspring? Scores

$300 This is the difference between a dominant and recessive trait. Give an example of each.

$300 What is recessive- a trait that appears only if an organism has two factors of the trait, ex- red hair, blue eyes, left handedness. Dominant- a trait that appears even if an organism only has one factor for the trait. Ex. Dark hair and eyes, unattached earlobes, right handedness. Scores

Tell if each statement is beneficial or harmful. $400 Tell if each statement is beneficial or harmful. Microbes cause food to spoil. Bacteria are used to ferment milk to produce cheese. Yeast is used to make break. A virus called polio, which sometimes leads to paralysis.

What is $400 1. Microbes cause food to spoil.- harmful 2. Bacteria are used to ferment milk to produce cheese.-beneficial 3. Yeast is used to make bread.- beneficial 4. A virus called polio, which sometimes leads to paralysis-harmful. Scores

$500 This is the definition of an environment and this is an example of the affect of an environment. 1

$500 What is everything in its surroundings that affects it, including water, soil, weather, landforms, and other living things. Ex. pollution, cutting down forests, and hair style. Scores

This is the parts (and charge of each) of an atom. $100 This is the parts (and charge of each) of an atom.

What is proton-positive, neutron-neutral, electron- negative. $100 What is proton-positive, neutron-neutral, electron- negative. Scores

This is the definition of matter and the three states or matter. $200 This is the definition of matter and the three states or matter.

$200 What is anything that has mass and takes up space, and solid liquid, and gas. Scores

$300 This is why scientist measure and record the mass of objects rather than their weight.

$300 What is weight depends on the pull of gravity, so it changes depending on an object’s location while mass remains the same? Scores

$400 An pie has 12 parts. Each part equals 3 grams. This is the total number of grams the pie has.

$400 What is 3x 12= 36 grams? Scores

This is the definition of density. $500 This is the definition of density. If a rock is on the bottom on a beaker of water and a rubber duck is floating who has the higher density. Why?

$500 What is the concentration of matter in an object. The rock is more dense because it has more packed into it so it sinks. Scores

$100 This is the difference between a physical and chemical change and an example of each.

$100 What is physical change- a change in which a substance remains the same substance; ex. change in state, cutting, folding. Chemical change- a change in which one or more new substances are formed; ex. burning toast, rust, and baking. Scores

$200 This is the difference between freezing point, melting point, and boiling point.

$200 What is freezing point- the temperature at which water is changed from a liquid to a solid, melting point- the temperature at which a solid is changes to a liquid, and boiling point- the temperature at which a liquid is turned into a gas. Scores

$300 Describe the difference between an element and a compound and give an example of each.

$300 What is… Element- a substance made of only one kind of atom, ex. Oxygen, Hydrogen (anything on the periodic table) Compound- a substance made of two or more difference elements, ex salt, H2O Scores

$400 This is the what type (physical or chemical) change takes place when a candle is burning.

$400 What is… BOTH!! Chemical because it is burning and making a new substance ( heat and light) and Physical because it is melting and changing state. Scores

$500 This is the difference between and insulator or conductor and give an example of each.

Conductor- lets electricity to flow through it, ex. Metal, water $500 What is…. Conductor- lets electricity to flow through it, ex. Metal, water Insulator- does not allow electricity to flow through it. Ex. Plastic, Styrofoam, wood, paper Scores

$100 Describe how and why a balloon sticks to a wall after it is rubbed on your head and why you shock yourself on a door handle after you rub you feet of carpet.

$100 See teacher for answer. Scores

This is the difference between current and static electricity. $200 This is the difference between current and static electricity.

Extra info-circuit- the path the current flows. $200 What is static electricity- the build up of electric change, current- the flow of electrons along a path Extra info-circuit- the path the current flows. Scores

$300 This is the difference between an open and closed circuit and the difference between a series and parallel circuit.

Open circuit- electricity flows $300 What is Open circuit- electricity flows Closed circuit- electricity will not flow. Series- Only one path the current will flow Parallel- More than one path the current can flow Scores

$400 This is the difference between a bar magnet and an electromagnet. This is also how an electromagnet can become stronger.

$400 What is electromagnet- a device made up of a current-carrying wire coil around an iron core. Bar Magnet- a magnet with two poles a north and south. An electromagnet can become stronger by adding a battery, making more loops, and/ or making the loops closer together. Scores

Describe how and why magnets attract or repel. $500 Describe how and why magnets attract or repel.

$500 Magnets attract when a positive (north) and negative( south) are near each other. The magnetic field around them brings them together. They will repel if they have the same charge. Scores

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Daily Double

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Final Jeopary Question Jeopardy Anything goes! Final Jeopary Question Scores

This is 5 things you learned this year that you did not know before.

See teacher! Scores