Ideal-ist team –Belgium (Wallonia)


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Presentation transcript:

Ideal-ist team –Belgium (Wallonia) Géraud Guilloud Ideal-ist team –Belgium (Wallonia) Information Day on ICT for Creative Creative Brussels, September 29th 2014

NCP 88 Ideal-ist Network Our actions Network of National Contact Points for ICT (from FP4 (1996) to Horizon 2020): EU15, EU13, AS & Contact Points from 3rd countries (more than 88 partners)

From project idea to successful proposal submission and beyond Consortium Proposal Submission Contract Project

Ideal-ist Services Joining as partners to other proposals Ideal-ist supports Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Academia, Non-Profit Organisations, Large Industries, Public Administration, Research Organisations and Consultancies Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Joining as partners to other proposals Finding the right partners for your project Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Organising brokerage events in European national and regional levels Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Finding the right partners for your project Ideal-ist supports Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Academia, Non-Profit Organisations, Large Industries, Public Administration, Research Organisations and Consultancies Ideal-ist supports Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Academia, Non-Profit Organisations, Large Industries, Public Administration, Research Organisations and Consultancies Ideal-ist supports Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Academia, Non-Profit Organisations, Large Industries, Public Administration, Research Organisations and Consultancies Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Interpreting the ICT work programme of Horizon 2020: informal Call Guide; toolbox (document repository) Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT Submitting project ideas in line with the Challenges & Objectives of ICT