Effective Feedback for Learning


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Presentation transcript:

Effective Feedback for Learning Parent Information Session Amy Norwood Monday 23 April 2018

*explain some of the theory behind feedback in schools Aims L.I. To gain a fuller understanding of the use of effective feedback in the classroom S.C. I can: *explain some of the theory behind feedback in schools *use effective feedback at home * identify good examples of feedback Evidence to show that a lot of marking has very little impact on progress SC best if also come from children define successful achievement with children

Feedback...or just a comment? Establishing the context Most important part is the green part. If not for improvement – why? Feedback...or just a comment?

Opener – draw one minute, feedback for a minute Draw a house

Exploring the places we live Design a house for a family of 4 people Your house must have: A main door At least 3 windows At least 2 rooms A sloped roof Sets a context, learning and success criteria. Now feedback is much more EFFECTIVE

What can effective feedback achieve? Students increase effort Students develop more effective learning strategies Students increase autonomy and self-regulation Teachers provide specific goals and criteria Teachers understand the impact of their teaching Improve teaching therefore attainment show building a whole school approach clip

This is not anything new and will not change again next year! The research… This is not anything new and will not change again next year! John Hattie and Helen Timperley, The Power of Feedback, 2007 Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam, Inside the Black Box, 1998

Effective Feedback (Hattie & Timperley, 2007) Effective feedback must answer three main questions (student or teacher): Where am I going? (What are the goals?) How am I going? (What progress is being made toward the goal?) Where to next? (What activities need to be undertaken to make better progress?) Feedback needs to be timely Where to next – link back to the definition of feedback “which is used as a basis for improvement” Show

Characteristics of Good Improvement Feedback • Task focused and given with the goal of improvement • Specific / clear – feedback should include what needs to be improved or developed next • Positive – clearly identify what has been achieved, accomplished or developed • Provided in a timely manner so that it is meaningful or relevant • Age and stage appropriate – so that it is understandable to the recipient If given marks, instantly compare. When given grade and a comment, generally comment is ignored (Black & Wiliam 1998)

e.g. “Well done” is not helpful; instead try “Your vocabulary to describe the haunted house is excellent. Make sure you use full stops and capital letters correctly right to the end of the story.” In addition, learners need to be provided with opportunities to apply the feedback VG comment!

As a staff, we have reflected on: How do we communicate learning goals AND success criteria to students? How do we show what success looks like? How are we using the evidence of children’s understanding to inform feedback and lesson planning? Can we measure impact?

Hattie’s four feedback levels (2007) Task - How well has the task been performed; is it correct or incorrect? Process - What are the strategies needed to perform the task; are there alternative strategies that can be used? Self-regulation - Self monitoring, directing, monitoring the processes and task; what is the knowledge and understanding needed to know what you are doing? Self - Personal evaluation and affect about the learner

‘The Experts’ On feedback… The only thing that matters is what students do with it. Good feedback causes thinking (Dylan Wiliam) There should always be this quest to move forward and feedback provides this platform (Shirley Clarke)

At Fox Covert, we hope that your child’s Progress File gives you an insight into the work carried out in the classroom. You should see a range of feedback in this jotter and your child should be able to discuss comments given and identify their next steps. Encourage your children to discuss their learning – instead of asking what they learned, maybe ask them to explain it to you or what they need to develop. Encourage the process and the effort. Remember, feedback should promote change and improvement. Balance ! As with everything in life, balance negative/positive feedback. Sandwich!

Aims L.I. To gain a fuller understanding of the use of effective feedback in the classroom S.C. I can: explain some of the theory behind feedback in schools use effective feedback at home identify good examples of feedback Shirley clarke clip from youtube

Shirley Clarke Video Clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGNp0AJte_c