Do you use the internet?
Do you play online games?
Do you have your own mobile phone?
Have you ever watched a film clip on the internet? (e.g. youtube?)
Do you have your own account?
Do you have your own Social Network Account? (e.g. facebook, skype, twitter)
Social Network Sites
Do you use MSN, Skype, Facebook, Gmail chat, or any other chat forum to chat online?
Chat Forums
How many friends do you have on your social network account?
How many of those friends have you met personally (face-to-face)?
Are your parents, guardians, trusted adult around when you are using the internet?
Do you have internet access in your bedroom?
Do you have a webcam or camera on your computer/laptop/ipad/phone in your bedroom?
Have you ever seen something online that has worried you or made you feel uncomfortable?
Who would you talk to if you wanted help with something youd seen online or if someone online was making you feel uncomfortable?
Have you ever posted anything online that might have made someone else feel uncomfortable?
How many hours are you spending online per day?
How many hours are you spending online per week?