Kevin “Doc” Hoover Water’s Edge Hydrology, Inc.


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Presentation transcript:

Kevin “Doc” Hoover Water’s Edge Hydrology, Inc. Wetland Mitigation Approaches Kevin “Doc” Hoover Water’s Edge Hydrology, Inc.

Mitigation Categories Creation – conversion of existing uplands to wetlands. Restoration – recovery of historic wetlands from disturbed conditions. Enhancement – improving the functions and values of wetlands. Preservation – protection of wetlands from future impacts.

“Wetland Triangle”

Conversion Considerations

Creation Can use excavation, fill, or both Avoid creating open water. Use sloping margins. Consider adding organic amendments Mitigation Ratio = 1 to 1 max.

Restoration Remove fills from historic wetlands. Impound artificial surface drainage. Break up subsurface drainage. Re-fill excavated areas to restore vegetation. Mitigation Ratio = 1 to 1 max.

Enhancement Remove invasive species. Plant to upgrade category (i.e. emergent to scrub/shrub). Plant adjacent uplands for fringe habitat. Add habitat features (bird boxes, nesting platforms, brush piles). Mitigation Ratio = 3 to 1 max.

Preservation Allowable only for certain situations. High value wetland No practical alternative May be component with other mitigation types Use by landowners restricted. May require fencing or signage. Mitigation Ratio = 4 to 1 max.

Other Considerations Total area requirements Deed restrictions Post-construction monitoring Repairs and maintenance Permit expiration dates Completion reporting

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