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Copyright © 2002-2003 Kenneth Adelman, California Coastal Records Project. Malibu Lagoon Slide 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2002-2003 Kenneth Adelman, California Coastal Records Project. Malibu Lagoon Slide 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2002-2003 Kenneth Adelman, California Coastal Records Project. Malibu Lagoon Slide 1

2 Malibu Creek Watershed Slide 2 Malibu Lagoon

3 Photo Courtesy of Air Photo Archives, UCLA Geography Department Malibu Lagoon and surrounding wetland ecosystem in 1938 Slide 3

4 Prepared by: Moffatt & Nichol April 2005 A Channel B Channel C Channel Existing Channel Configuration Old Parking Lot Slide 4

5 Loss of ecosystem function due to poor circulation, sedimentation, low dissolved oxygen, and eutrophication, Loss of salt-marsh and lagoon habitat due to historic fill, urbanization of the surrounding areas, and inappropriate landscaping, Proliferation of non-native and invasive plants and animals; elevated freshwater and nutrients have facilitated invasion of exotics Impoverished native benthic invertebrate communities likely due to altered hydrology, and, Reduced native fish populations. Environmental problems associated with current lagoon configuration Slide 5

6 Slide 6 Existing Channel Configuration

7 133 species of vascular plants in Malibu Lagoon 5.3% native estuarine species 29.7% native non-estuarine species 65% non-native and invasive species Slide 7 Existing Vegetation Data from Manion & Dillingham 1989 Photo from project files

8 Slide 8 Spionid Polychate, Polydora nuchalis Infaunal Invertebrates Tellinid Clam, Tagelus californianus Epifaunal Invertebrates Mud Crab, Hemigrapsus oregonenesis Introduced Oriental Shrimp, Palaemon macrodactulus Photos from Google Images

9 Slide 9 Tidewater Goby Topsmelt Non-native Mosquito fish California Killifish

10 Slide 10 Photos Courtesy of Callie Bowdish and Google Images

11 Section 30231 Biological productivity; water quality The biological productivity and the quality of coastal waters, streams, wetlands, estuaries, and lakes appropriate to maintain optimum populations of marine organisms and for the protection of human health shall be maintained and, where feasible, restored through, among other means, minimizing adverse effects of waste water discharges and entrainment, controlling runoff, preventing depletion of ground water supplies and substantial interference with surface waterflow, encouraging waste water reclamation, maintaining natural vegetation buffer areas that protect riparian habitats, and minimizing alteration of natural streams. Section 30233 Diking, filling or dredging; continued movement of sediment and nutrients (a)The diking, filling, or dredging of open coastal waters, wetlands, estuaries, and lakes shall be permitted in accordance with other applicable provisions of this division, where there is no feasible less environmentally damaging alternative, and where feasible mitigation measures have been provided to minimize adverse environmental effects, and shall be limited to the following: 6) Restoration purposes. Section 30240 Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas a) Environmentally sensitive habitat areas shall be protected against any significant disruption of habitat values, and only uses dependent on those resources shall be allowed within those areas. Slide 11 California Coastal Act Sections

12 Increase tidal circulation and flushing to improve water quality under open and closed lagoon conditions. Restore a diverse mosaic of coastal salt-marsh and transitional upland habitats. Increase and enhance aquatic habitat for benthic invertebrates and native fish including the federally endangered tidewater goby (increase sediment grain size) and the federally threatened steelhead (higher water quality within the lagoon). Increase native foraging, nesting, and roosting habitat for resident and migratory shore birds and waterfowl. Provide education/interpretive opportunities while minimizing disturbance to habitat and wildlife. Goals of Proposed Restoration Slide 12

13 Prepared by: Moffatt & Nichol April 2005 Slide 13

14 Slide 14 Golf Course East Side Inlet

15 Copyright © 2002-2003 Kenneth Adelman, California Coastal Records Project. Malibu Lagoon Slide 15

16 Item W6a-Malibu Lagoon Public Accessway to be Improved Existing Walkway through lagoon w/ bridges to be removed New Perimeter Wall Slide 16

17 Item W6a Malibu Lagoon New Public Parking Lot (Phase I) Walkway to be removed Entrance to Public Accessway to be Improved Slide 17

18 Slide 18 Item W6a Malibu Lagoon

19 Item W6a Malibu Lagoon Restoration California Coastal Records Slide 19

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