Life in the Great depression


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Presentation transcript:

Life in the Great depression 1929-1941

Hunger Soup kitchens and bread lines were run by churches, community groups, and charities to feed the hungry.

Great Depression food Inexpensive foods like: Chicken feet in broth Ketchup sandwiches food grown in home gardens Roadkill Turtle soup Hot milk and rice Scraps found in the dumpster Raw onion sandwich- yummy!

Unemployed 25% of Americans out of work Unemployment nearly 4 times as high for African Americans because of discrimination

Migrant workers “Migrant Mother” by Dorothea Lange, one of the most famous pictures of the Great Depression. Migrant workers moved around the country looking for any work they could find. This is Florence, a 32 yr old mother of 7 who worked on a pea farm in California. Exhausted, hungry, and completely out of money. They lived in a small tent in a dusty field.

Hoovervilles Shanty towns/ slums where many Americans lived during the Great Depression. They were named for President Hoover, who many Americans felt was not doing enough to help those who were suffering.

The bonus army In 1932, over 40,000 WWI veterans and their families, plus other related groups, marched in Washington, D.C. They had been promised that they would get bonuses in 1945. The marchers wanted the bonus money earlier since so many of them were out of work The Bonus Army set up tents and refused to leave until they were paid The president sent troops to clear out the marchers with tear gas, calvary. Infantry, and tanks Burned the Hooverville where the marchers lived More than 100 injured, 2 veterans died

The Philosophy of President Hoover Rugged individualism: Hoover’s belief that people should help themselves and that intervention from the federal government would make people lazy. Radio Address to the Nation on Unemployment Relief, Oct. 18, 1931: “This task is not beyond the ability of these thousands of community organizations to solve.” “The maintenance of a spirit of mutual self-help through voluntary giving, through the responsibility of local government, is of infinite importance to the future of America.” “No governmental action, no economic doctrine, no economic plan or project can replace that God-imposed responsibility of the individual man and woman to their neighbors.”

Hoover’s Relief Plan Gave money to banks to try to stabilize them Focused on local relief programs Tried to balance the budget so the government would not be in debt Did not want programs that involved the federal government controlling businesses

Assignment: Answer these questions in your notes 1. Who did Hoover think was responsible for helping people who were suffering in the Great Depression? 2. What are 3 ways Americans suffered in the Great Depression?

FDR’s New Deal Programs President Roosevelt, “FDR”, elected in 1932, got to work on what he called the New Deal as soon as he took office. He believed that government should provide direct aid to Americans who were suffering. He made many important programs and laws that helped Americans recover from the Great Depression Copy chart on p. 303 in your notes, “Selected New Deal Programs”

New Deal Program Illustration- HOmework Illustrate the program you are assigned. See p. 300-305 for more information about your program. Label your illustration with the name of your program.