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Chapter 25-1 By: Ian VandenBrooks.

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1 Chapter 25-1 By: Ian VandenBrooks

2 Key words Herbert Hover: Republican President who failed to halt the great depression Stock Market Crash of 1929:Plunge in stock market prices that marketed the beginning of the great depression Great depression: the serious and world wide economic decline of the 1930’s Bonus Army: World War 1 veterans who came to Washington seeking early payment of bonuses for wartime service

3 More words Speculation: buying and selling risky items in the hope of making a quick profit Public works: government-funded projects to assist individuals, families, and communities in need Credit: arrangement for delaying payment of a loan or purchase Economic depression: severe economic slump

4 Problems in business Herbert Hoover was elected thinking that there would a increase in prosperity Some industries(railroads, textile mills, and mining) had improved efficiency and made many more goods. The salaries did not increase Businesses eventually started losing money because no one could buy products Technology improved and made an increase in food amounts making farmers vulnerable

5 The illusion of wealth Many citizens were just struggling to get buy
Many new luxuries came out that very few could buy Americans started buying goods on credit and gave many large debts Stock market kept climbing making Americans drawn to them Many investors went on speculation

6 Economic crisis The country soon fell into a economic depression
The stock market then crashed in a total of two months Investors tried to sell stock as fast as they could On October 29, 1929 stocks fell by 75% Banks then had to start closing Businesses started firing workers leaving millions of Americans unemployed and with little money.

7 The Great Depression This was the worst economic crisis in American history Then Europe's economy failed because of the loans they took from American banks Many Americans felt starvation, homelessness, and extreme suffering up until 1941

8 Hoover Loses the Nations Trust
Americans Blamed Hoover for this crisis Instead of getting the government involved Hoover decided to encourage churches, charities, and business leader’s to volunteer to help Hoover then got involved and made the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Hoover then made public works The big project was the Boulder dam (now know as the Hoover Dam)

9 The bonus army The veterans were expecting bonuses even though they weren’t due until 1940 The bonus army in 1932 marched on Washington D.C. For their pays and were rejected Most went home but many stayed to protest General MacArthur decided to drive out the rest of the bonus army with tear gas and fired shots Hoovers unpopularity led to FDR getting elected at the next election.

10 The End

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