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Where is this?.

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Presentation on theme: "Where is this?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is this?

2 Living It and Attempts to Fix It
The Great Depression Living It and Attempts to Fix It

3 Life During the Great Depression
People had lost everything: Jobs Homes Life savings due to bank closings Confidence in Government Hope of achieving the “American Dream” At the lowest point over 16 million people were unemployed

4 Charity Soup Kitchens and Bread lines provided free food to families but food was limited there as well

5 Hoover’s Administration
9.01: Elaborate on the cycle of economic boom and bust in the 1920s and 1930s. 9.02: Analyze the extent of prosperity for different segments of society during this period.

6 “Celebrating” President Hoover….
The American people felt that president Hoover was not helping and did nothing to take care of the problem (homelessness) as he should. They showed their disapproval disapproval several ways. HOOVERVILLES: Homes made out of cardboard, tin, and any other scrap material they could find. Hooverblankets: Newspapers that the people used as blankets to cover up with Hooverflags: Pockets turned inside out to illustrate how poor they were.

7 “Hoovervilles”



10 Migrant Mother, 1936 The most famous photo from the Great Depression



13 Oblivious to reality Hoover believed in “Rugged Individualism”
People should rescue themselves from the serious troubles with their own efforts. He did not understand that the economic crisis was so serious that people could NOT help themselves

14 Hoover’s Band-Aid Hoover started to give money to companies so they could restart their production…didn’t work Reduced taxes on people to encourage spending Built the Hoover Dam to create construction jobs Asked the wealthy to be more charitable…

15 Bonus Army (The Nail in Hoovers Coffin)
WWI veterans had been promised a bonus check to be paid in 1945 but the depression hit and they needed the money in 1932 Hoover vetoed a bill to give them their money early…they march to Washington and set up a “Hooverville” Hoover had General MacArthur remove veterans Were given one hour to pack up and get out Tear gas was used on stragglers Not Hoovers intentions but ruined his reputation

16 “No Pay, All Stay”

17 The Dust Bowl (Great Plains Region)
Farmers had been struggling with the environment from the day they moved out west…not enough rain In 1932 a drought caused the soil to turn to dust and then wind storms created dust storms Refugees called “Okies” (regardless of what state they came from) left their farms for California for a new start


19 Roosevelt’s Administration
Goal Assess the impact of the New Deal reforms in enlarging the role of the federal government in American life.

20 “Only Thing To Fear” -1932 Inauguration Speech “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” -Public Relations -Fireside Chats - Radio addresses to the American people Americans crowd by the radio to listen to him update the nation on the economy

21 A Call to Action -Progressive programs Experiment with solutions -Group Effort Eleanor Roosevelt Brain Trust- really smart people hired to help FDR -1st 100 Days – Most legislation passed in the shortest amount of time ever

22 The Alphabet Soup Agencies
Roosevelt established these programs to aid in the Relief, Recovery, and Reform of the American economy FDIC –Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation- Insure money in the banks SEC- Securities and Exchange-Regulate stocks PWA -Public Works Administration creates jobs for Americans (build bridges, roads, sewers infrastructure) WPA- Works progress administration-created jobs TVA-Tennessee Valley Authority- creates jobs CCC- Civilian Conservation Corp- Created jobs AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Act- Pay farmers not to farm NRA- National Recovery Administration-Creates minimum wage

23 New Deal Critics -Father Coughlin heavy taxes on the rich to provide income for all -Huey Long “Every man a King” level income, home and college for all -Francis Townsend proposed income for elderly

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