brief development lets teach it


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Presentation transcript:

brief development lets teach it Lesley Pearce Team Solutions Auckland University

What is brief development? Dynamic process throughout practice Clearly describes a desired outcome Meets a need or realise an opportunity Physical and social environment Conceptual statement, what is to be done and why it should be done Serves as an evaluative tool

A guiding document Conceptual statement (oral, written, graphical means) Based on exploration/analysis of context and issue Attributes - broad descriptors Specifications - appearance and performance - measurable Can be progressed

Reverse psychology!

Write down the physical and functional specifications, these are measurable. Develop a conceptual statement What are the attributes? How about possible contexts and issues

Specifications: Length 16cm Eight groves that taper from the tip to a length of 9cm. Recycled rimu - sustainable Shaped handle.. Can be used on all citrus fruits Easy to clean Natural finish Manufactured from one piece Clean lines etc

Possible attributes: Must be efficient when using all citrus fruits Light to hold Comfortable to use Safe to use in dishwasher Easily cleaned Hygienic Minimal maintenance Minimal impact on earth’s footprint No fussy parts Traditional style

Example of a conceptual statement:

Try other technological outcomes One on right is for dogs!

Chocolate cheese

Energy drinks/advertising

Compare contrast to develop an understanding of the physicality and functionality of technological products

Writing a design brief and attributes Work in groups Use an article/research to allow students to discuss and identify a need or realise an opportunity Write a conceptual statement that tells a story about what is to be done and why it should be done What are the desired attributes