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Presentation transcript:

Next steps

Next steps Minutes of the meeting: IEEP to make available the minutes of the break out groups Glossary from the NC available end of this week and sent to the pilots

Next steps: Ecosystem pilots 22/11 Finishing the ecosystem condition, biodiversity and service cards (Sup/Dem?) 29/11 Ecosystem Pilot leads meet to look at common indicators (vertically, horizontally, bundles at higher hierarchy level CICES). What about mosaic ecosystems? Decision on services shared across ecosystems or one ecosystem setting the principal indicator for other ecosystems.

Next steps: Ecosystem pilots 5/12 Ecosystem Pilots submit to the coordination group the following material the relevance of the work for the sectorial policy (CAP, Water, Marine, Forest strategy) a brief description of the pilot the MAES summary table on biodiversity, condition and CICES services the MAES table contains links to the data at EU scale (optional ?) guidance

Next steps: Ecosystem pilots 5/12 Ecosystem Pilots submit to the coordination group the following material the relevance of the work for the sectorial policy (CAP, Water, Marine, Forest strategy) a brief description of the pilot the MAES summary table on biodiversity, condition and CICES services the MAES table contains links to the data at EU scale (optional ?) guidance

Next steps: Ecosystem pilots 15/12 Annexes containing the MAES cards are ready and commented by MS that provided input Map-able: yes/no Self assessment of data quality Ability to convey information

Next steps: Nature pilot 15/12: Nature pilot to provide advice and guidance based on Cross walk between species and habitats and MAES ecosystem types Report of the SIA topic centre on the data Outcomes of the Paris meeting Some challenges that are addressed in the break out and will be summarized by the rapporteur)

Next steps: NC pilot 15/12 Natural Capital Accounting: Brief reference to what natural capital accounts, outline a possible framework towards 2020 a brief discussion on linking this pilot to the information that is collected in the ecosystem pilots in particular related to stocks and flow

Next steps: Coordinating team 15/12 (JRC, EEA, ENV) Finish the introduction considering other policies (biodiversity strategy, GI, regio) To link the 2nd MAES paper to MESEU survey results and to explain the common assessment methodology. To write a brief summary on mapping and assessment approaches based on the indicators and ecosystem maps – reference to the work in 2014, what mapping tools are available, based on OpenNESS) Bringing the pieces together

Next steps 2014 Future of the pilots Ecosystem pilots: make the data in the MAES matrices available online (also considering scale) ( Mapping and assessment of pilots? Linking up with MESEU on case studies?