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EU Biodiversity Strategy and its mid-term review

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1 EU Biodiversity Strategy and its mid-term review
Workshop Marine environment and fisheries, Brussels, 3-4 April 2014 ENV.B2 – Biodiversity

2 EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020
Commission Communication, COM(2011) 244 Closely aligned with Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Strategic Plan + Aichi Targets EU headline target + six specific targets, incl.: T1: Full implementation of Birds, Habitats Dir. T2: Maintain/enhance ecosystems + services, incl. mapping + assessment (MAES) in 2014 T4: Sustainable fisheries and GES Mid-term review, 2014/2015

3 Target 4: sustainable fisheries and GES
Maintain/restore stocks to MSY level Achieve a population age and size distribution indicative of a healthy stock … through fisheries management with no significant adverse impacts on other stocks, species and ecosystems, … in support of achieving good environmental status (GES) by 2020

4 Actions related to Target 4
A13: Improve management of fished stocks Maintain, restore stocks to MSY levels – in all areas in which EU fleets operate Long-term management plans Step up data collection; incorporate ecological considerations in MSY by 2020 A14: Eliminate adverse impacts on fish stocks, species, habitats and ecosystems Eliminate discards, avoid bycatch, preserve VMEs Implement MSFD, incl. through funds for MPAs

5 Mid-term review Foreseen in the Strategy for "early 2014"
Slightly postponed to benefit from new data to be reported by MS under EU nature law Integrated monitoring framework across targets, also for final report (2020) ENV supported by UNEP-WCMC, MRAG, URS Gap analysis per target; expert consultations T4: ENV, MARE, JRC, ESTAT, EEA, ICES Selection of indicators to maximise synergies with existing monitoring, reporting frameworks Incl. MSFD, CFP, nature law

6 Target 4 review – opportunities
GES descriptors, criteria, indicators under MSFD Incl. ongoing ICES work on „Descriptor 3+“ Regular assessment of stocks against MSY Forthcoming EEA baseline on MPAs Revision of CFP data collection framework Common EMFF monitoring/evaluation indicators Update of relevant EEA indicators (2010 baseline)

7 Target 4 review – challenges
MSY in third-country waters (MS fleets fishing under bilateral, regional agreements) Inclusion of ecological considerations Bycatch Seabirds ( Action Plan?) Other protected species

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