From Rome to Byzantium & the Rise of Christianity


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Presentation transcript:

From Rome to Byzantium & the Rise of Christianity

The Greatest Extent of the Roman Empire – 14 CE

Rise of Christianity Judaea put under Roman rule in 6 CE Jews awaited for the Messiah who would liberate them from Roman rule After Jesus’ death, believers thought he was resurrected Paul, a convert, became a missionary set on teaching about Christos

St. Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles

Converts From poor, disenfranchised groups Women Slaves Urban poor Were persecuted by Roman officials because they refused to worship the emperor By late 3rd century, converts included many educated and prosperous people Economics helped the spread roads

The Rise of Christianity

The Spread of Christianity

Imperial Roman Road System

Third Century Crisis 235-284 Political, military, & economic problems Frequent change of rulers Invaders Germanic tribes from the north Gauls from the west Drain on economy—taxes Amount of precious metal in coins was reduced devaluing coins People began bartering Pax romana failing

The Empire in Crisis: 3c

Diocletian Rose through army ranks to become Emperor Radical reforms that saved the Roman state Used price controls to halt inflation Froze people in their professions Split Rome in two parts Even though reforms worked, people began to see Rome as oppressive & not worthy of their loyalty

Diocletian Splits the Empire in Two: 294 CE

Constantine: 312 - 337 Reunited Rome Claimed to have a Christian conversion Edict of Milan – ending persecution of Christians & guaranteeing freedom of worship

Constantinople: “The 2nd Rome” (Founded in 334)

Byzantium Conflict between, eastern Greek lands & the Latin west East became known as Byzantium (Byzantine Empire) West = Roman Catholic East = Eastern Orthodox

Fall of Rome East & West formally split in 395 Byzantine armies continued to fight Germanic tribes Gaul, Britain, Spain, & North Africa fell to Germanic peoples in early 5th century Rome sacked in 410, 476 last Emperor gone!!! By 530 all old Western Rome under small Germanic kingdoms In the city of Rome, local families competed for the position as patriarch of the Western Church, which the title was Pope

The Legacy of Rome Republic Government Roman Law Latin Language (Romance=Portuguese, Italian, French, Spanish & Romanian) Roman Catholic Church Roman Engineering Aqueducts Sewage systems Dams Cement