Hudson Plains.


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Presentation transcript:

Hudson Plains

Landforms The land here is flat causing poor drainage which results in marshes and bogs The bedrock slopes gradually towards the Hudson bay

Climate Because of the poor drainage the Hudson Plains is one of the largest continuous wetlands in the world The average summer temperature is 11oC but in the winter the temperature is usually -18oC Precipitation ranges from 400mm in the northwest to 800mm in the southeast the Hudson Bay’s waters moderate the temperatures in the summer and winter

Vegetation In the northernmost part it is just treeless tundra Taiga trees are more common at the southern edges of the marshlands But because the drainage here is poor the trees only grow in the drier northern parts in between the tundra and the marshes species are black spruce, white spruce, tamarack, balsam poplar, dwarf birch, paper birch, shining willow, Bebb willow, and trembling aspen other than that the only real vegetation are bushes, shrubs,lichen , moss and other marsh plants such as reeds

Soils The soil is based mainly of permafrost allowing only the toughest of plants to grow there

Population and Major cities Roughly 10,000 people live in this Eco zone The two major cities in the Hudson plains Eco zone are Moosonee and Churchill

Interesting Facts The Hudson Plains are notorious for there populations of biting insects