Neighbourhood School Involvement


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Presentation transcript:

Neighbourhood School Involvement TrueCity Conference Workshop 23 April 2005

Workshop Overview Session 1 Introductions Learning Objectives Stories and Principles of Involvement Session 2 Prayer for Schools A Principals Perspective Ideas and Resources Action Plans

Learning Objectives Encouragement for the Journey Explore best practice Share ideas and potential resources Understand the challenges for educators Practice Praying for our schools Consider how we can apply what we learn Explore potential collaboration

What Else Do You Hope to Learn?

Relationship Building at Bennetto and St. Lawrence Story Dwayne Cline Hughson Street Baptist Relationship Building at Bennetto and St. Lawrence

Principle 1 Relationships are Central A Theology of Relationships 1 Peter 3:15 paradigm Making Relationships the Prime Objective Seek first to Listen and Serve Meet Distrust with Respect and Servanthood

Principle 2 Know Your Neighbourhood Walk the neighbourhood Demographics what can we learn from neighbourhood statistics Formal interviews Finding places to naturally interact with people History of the neighbourhood

Story Don Ruddle Bethany Gospel Chapel Connecting through King George

Principle 3 Volunteer with the Community in the School Don’t start with your own agenda Find out what is already happening— clubs, breakfast programs, tutoring, sports, school council Volunteer in the school Caring for Children Pursue relationships with Adults other volunteers, parents, teachers, other school staff

Principle 4 Recognize and Build on your Assets Asset Building Perspective—work from strength rather than weakness Know your school—parents, teachers, administration Know your church resources

Principle Janet Lee School Story Doug Booth Principle Janet Lee School Building Good Bridges

Principle 5 Find ways to help schools fulfill their mandate School Plans Literacy Child Health Invest in recognized gaps

Creating KEEPs Story Dave Witt Hamilton Team Leader— International Teams Creating KEEPs

Principle 6 Start a program that is tangible Eventually the need/opportunity to initiate a new program will come Include the school and parents in your decision-making process Consider Scaffolding Be clear on your timeframe—how long are you committed to?

Fighting for Bennetto Story Dave Witt Hamilton Team Leader— International Teams Fighting for Bennetto

Principle 7 Become an Advocate for your School and Neighbourhood Accompaniment and Advocacy Building broader relationships Promoting—Connecting people and opportunities Working for justice Being a peace-maker

Principle 8 Be Committed to Long-Term Involvement Trends and Track record are crucial Prioritize Connection and Relationship rather than specific roles Have a few key anchor people