The Seven C’s of Effective Communication


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Presentation transcript:

The Seven C’s of Effective Communication

Seven C’s Completeness Conciseness Consideration Concreteness Clarity Courtesy Correctness

Scope All the seven C’s can be applicable to both oral and written communication i.e. presentations and documentations.

Omissions cast Suspicions

Completeness A message is complete when it contains all the

Completeness Completeness is achieved by: providing all necessary information (answering five W’s) answering all the questions asked (locating the vague questions) giving something extra, when desirable (use good judgment in offering additional material)

Brevity is the soul of wit

Conciseness To communicate in the minimum possible words is conciseness. It doesn’t mean to lose completeness. It is to deliver your complete message in a nutshell.

Conciseness can be brought by: eliminating wordy expressions including only relevant material avoiding unnecessary repetition

Host or guest You are the best

Consideration Preparing every message with the receivers in the mind. This you can do by putting yourself in the place of message receivers. It involves the awareness of their desires, problems, circumstances and expected reactions.

The ways to adapt consideration Focusing on “you-attitude” Showing the benefits to the receiver Emphasizing positive facts

I count but can not As I love you a lot

Concreteness Communicating in specific, definite and vivid manner rather than general and vague is concreteness. You should prefer denotations rather than connotations to be exact because misunderstandings of words can bring tragedies in both war and peace.

Concreteness comprises Use of specific facts and figures Putting action in the verbs (Using Active voice) Selection of image-building word (Figurative language)

Clarity Getting the meaning from your head into the head of your reader accurately is clarity. It can be retained by Choosing precise and familiar words Constructing effective sentences and paragraphs

Courtesy Courtesy is showing respect and concern for others. It is not only the politeness that stems out of you-attitude. It is your sincerity towards your receivers.

Courtesy can be generated by Being sincerely tactful and appreciative Using expressions that show respect Choose nondiscriminatory expressions

Correctness Correctness consists of proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and pronunciation. It also involves i- right level of language ii-accuracy of facts iii- acceptable writing mechanics